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Probably a long shot


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In July 2018 we drove our daughter to Nashville to go to a con in the hopes of getting a chance to sit in on a talk with Frank Welker. Well, she got a lot more than that. Right before his talk we bumped into him outside the bathroom! She was wearing a tshirt she had made celebrating 50 years of Frank welker, and he told her how great her shirt was, gave her a hug and said see you in there. She also got to shake hands with Gray Griffin who was waiting for him outside the bathroom. She was utterly gobsmacked speechless. We had gone just as I she could be in the same building as he was and then this! Well! Then we go to the talk and during question and answer time she raises her hand and out of all these people in there, he sees her and tells her to stand up so she can show off her tshirt and he told her how cool he thought she was!

so back then, we tried to find a way for her to contact him, send a letter or whatever but never could find anything, he has no social media presence at all. She mentioned that encounter recently and I again looked for a way to contact him but didn’t find anything. I remember when I was young, you could send letters to people through their agency or fan clubs or whatever, but I don’t know how to do it now.

long story long I thought I would put this out there on the off chance that anyone could steer me in the right direction. I have a serious soft spot for this man who was so kind to my daughter, and didn’t even charge her $100 for the hug 😉


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Oh my goodness, that is seriously cool!  

No idea how to contact him, but that just makes him even more fantastic.  What a great story!  Thanks so much for sharing that, we are Frank Welker fans here, and I can’t wait to tell the kids.

My kid had a similar experience - we took him to his first con-type experience when he was living and breathing steampunk - The Steampunk World’s Fair.  He was so excited that a famous maker would be there, and couldn’t wait to see him talk.  We were walking around and DS saw him, out of the blue.  I was trying to gather my nerve to ask if we could get a pic when lo and behold, he asked us if he could take a pic of DS!  He was admiring kid’s costume.  Squeeee!  Coolest thing ever.  Kid was over the moon.  Steampunk Eddie.  A meaningless name to most, but whoa, did he make my kid’s year.  

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