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How much time do you spend online each day?

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How much time do you spend on the internet each day reading blogs, writing blogs, visiting msg boards, and surfing the net? Also, how do you manage your online time without having it infringe upon your priorities. I'm really struggling with this right now and look forward to your replies. To answer my own question, I spend between 1-2 hours online each day. I'm thinking about using a timer to stay within my limits. I get insomnia quite often at night and I spend the bulk of my time online then. (Not good, I know, but I'm being honest here.) You may have also read my thread about me discontinuing my blog, which I wouldn't feel the urge to do if I could manage my online time better. TIA for sharing!

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Too Much!!!


Honestly, it's probably around an hour on most days, but I too have those nights when I'm up until 2 doing Nothing.


What I'd like to know is how to manage to cruise around just doing what I need to do. There is so much that's useful, but often I end up reading some blog or something that's really of no use to me at all (cataloging factoids and clogging my brain!).


I think the most difficult thing of all is that I tune out the kids, then they start to misbehave just to draw me away. Then I'm a big grouch.:rolleyes:


Lately, I'm just turning it off after I've done the basic.



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an hour, some days 15 minutes, some days I never turn the computer on.


I'm much more balanced than I used to be. I recognize that I really do need an outlet sometimes and I shouldn't feel guilty about spending time online in moderation.


I have lost moderation at times in the past and needed to go on a complete "board break" or make simple goals I must accomplish EVERYDAY before I get online. That has worked for me.


I don't visit blogs unless I'm linked there from here. I limit my regular online locations to news sites and this board.



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How much time do you spend on the internet each day reading blogs, writing blogs, visiting msg boards, and surfing the net? Also, how do you manage your online time without having it infringe upon your priorities. I'm really struggling with this right now and look forward to your replies. To answer my own question, I spend between 1-2 hours online each day. I'm thinking about using a timer to stay within my limits. I get insomnia quite often at night and I spend the bulk of my time online then. (Not good, I know, but I'm being honest here.) You may have also read my thread about me discontinuing my blog, which I wouldn't feel the urge to do if I could manage my online time better. TIA for sharing!


I don't read message boards other than this one and I don't visit any blogs regularly, I am still here reading more often than I should - to the neglect of the laundry. :p

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I couldn't put a number to it. But..quite a bit, honestly. Yet, my children manage to get fed and schooled. My house stays clean, clothes get washed. And I still have time left to watch the kids act like yahoos.

I'm not sure how it all happens LOL

But, I can tell when I've crossed the line..things begin to slip..the laundry sits in a basket at my feet..waiting to be folded. Before I know it, that's 3 baskets. And the children are cranky and as previously mentioned..fighting for my attention. And I get cranky.

It doesn't happen too often though, really.

When I stop and look...I really have no idea how I do it all. It doesn't seem possible. Certainly I'm missing something important somewhere. *scratches head*

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In thinking it over, I'm probably online around four hours a day :eek:! At least! I would consider it an addiction, and I know I need to cut back. There are definitely days that I have other things to do, and don't do them because I waste time online.


Mainly here, also reading emails, and researching various gardening topics, homeschool curriculums, and medical issues.

Michelle T

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Much of the work I do is digital in nature, so I am at my computer for several hours each day.

If I am restoring a photo or correcting an entire batch of game photos, for example, I will often have several windows open in the background. This happens to be one of them. When my eyes need a break from a picture I will maximize TWTM and read a few posts. I may ask a question or answer one, minimize the window and get back to work.

Other times I'll bring up the site for my local news paper and read an article before going back to work.


So, I'm online an awful lot, but I don't feel guilty about it. :D

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I mean, I love all the info I get here. I often tell my dh things I read here that he hasn't even heard on the news.


I also love looking at things like the you tube links, etc. They are just plain fun. I also look up sites for homeschooling and email alot each day.


I work part time from home and without the computer it would be impossible. I see the computer like food - necessary and good, but can become excessive pretty quickly.;)

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