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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Much better blood sugar numbers for me today and yesterday. No clue why.

Kids to school
Wash linens and remake a bed

Hang out with dh
Coffee with a new friend
Ds to/from an appointment
Pick up Dd and CSA box

Dinner is ? I have shepherd's pie on the meal plan. Need to get lamb out of the freezer and buy some gr beef.

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Good morning! I am back from visiting dd2. She is doing well (tested negative for all things- covid, strep, and flu last Thursday) and she is really adapting to her hard life. Certainly the best of all the freshman- but I attribute that to her mental toughness over her hip (other girls have started struggling with some injury) and her willingness to learn from her older sister's experience. 

She had a nightmare trying to get accomodations (including a super rude conversation with a person who was fired the next day- not because dd2 said anything). She finally had to get her coaches involved and now things are better. But they warned her that right now her grades are "too good" and might affect her ability to get her accomodations. We dealt with this in high school- so she (and her advisor) are gearing up for battle. It is the stupidest thing in the world- that attitude toward LDs is practically medieval.

It was fun- but definitely a long drive! I stopped at Ikea on the way home- pretty bare shelves- so that was disappointing.

Today is a recovery and fix-up day.

  • coffee/paper- still drinking coffee
  • fence guy coming to do gates
  • when it gets warmer- hose off off the deck. Dh got it super muddy when he planted the trees.
  • move some things around in the basement to find a place for baby plants
  • school with ds3. gym, club tennis, private
  • library, pick up silpper at shoe repair
  • read a little, make some lists for the week
  • move some $ into ds1's account for his birthday!
  • not sure what else- maybe bake a little in the new oven!

Have a great day!

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Hello! I feel like I've been MIA for ages although surely it hasn't actually been that long....?? 

My sister moved in last week....week before....? I have lost track. It's going well so far. She is fitting into our routine, getting along, everyone has adapted, I *think* my anxious kid is over the aspect of "outside germs" in the house, and really I think we can manage this w/o too much issue, even if it lasts a little while. Which is a relief and an answer to prayer (although, her finding a place is still the long-term goal). 

So, today....

...make sure I have stuff ready for tomorrow (2nd grade)
...do the "needs the internet" prep for next week (K/1st/2nd)
...laundry (one load of regular stuff, one load of sheets)
...school with DS (Biology, language arts, Barton...?, math, typing)
...lunch....I think DH will be home for that
...dinner....we have a plan, I need to check it 
...sew stuff....?? 
...take my sister to mail some stuff, possibly other errands, not sure


Possibly forgetting stuff, but will figure it out. Have a good day, everyone. 

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Margaret, I hope you can have less stress soon. Praying for you today.
Jen, glad you had a good visit! 

Laundry started
Talked with Dh about ordering a new heating element for the dw.
Next up: shower and change
Then deskwork, if time, before my coffee meeting

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Good morning!

  • office work for most of the day - bills, email, etc.
  • legal things with dh - we are dealing with FIL's estate
  • make appt. for fall checkup & shots for horses
  • clean off deck - get rid of tomato plants
  • wipe down kitchen cabinets
  • dinner: deconstructed Asian veggie dumplings
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Got everything done for next week/today as far as prep goes; lucked out and accidentally found a fantastic resource on TPT that has so.very.much. of the exact thing I like to use with my kiddos, for so many topics. I've about got the year covered now, amazingly. 

Heading to run errands with my sister, then on to the rest. 

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Change of plans. No coffee meeting.

Ds had a spring and a bracket come off his teeth. Wire sticking out! He's at the orthodontist now. I got him a smoothie to replace his regular lunch. Not sure if he's going back to school. Thankful that his ortho has multiple offices around town and the one closest to his school got him right in.

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I'm so stressed out over a zoom board meeting I have to help lead.  (Just remembered they will see my face, ugh!!  No!  Help me!  My hair is always scary.)  I have been too distracted to do anything else productive.  The board meeting is in 25 minutes.  I guess I should work on making myself look decent.

And switch out the laundry.

I have at least two other projects I should have sent out today but did not (yet).

After the zoom meeting, my kids have a dentist appointment followed by their sports.

Then back to work / homework. 

I have the usual other to-do's - walking, reading, assembling my personal tax info, trying to get a handle on where the kids are with school work....

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Oversaw ds3 register for the ACT. Hopefully, it happens- or we will try a testing site in Wyoming.

swept and hosed down deck and front walkway

Moved the giant rental car to a spot in front of our house

ds3 left for afternoon of tennis

Up next:

crochet, finish up laundry, figure out dinner, use giant car to pick up some furniture- maybe- might do tomorrow, figure out something for swim team goodie bag- my best ideas have already been taken

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Finished school with DS, except for writing up a lab report; he's not done them yet as he was Zooming Biology so not really doing the labs, but now he's in person, so is, so now we have to track down the form (done) and write up the lab (which he only kind of sort of understood)

Put the first load of laundry in the dryer, second load in the wash; went with towels instead of sheets b/c DH bathed a dog yesterday and so, wet towels

Lunch was skillet chicken & rice from the freezer

Chicken is thawing for dinner (I need to check on that and see if it needs to go in water to finish....)

Had a nap and some headache meds; pollen is nuts right now and I keep having sinus headaches (but our weather guy keeps mentioning the pollen, so I know it's that and not something else); headache is much better

DH wants to go over life insurance stuff (our current provider isn't really a provider anymore or something, and it was term, which is up, and....)


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Called mom.
Spoke with Ds' teacher on the phone.
Talked with my mom's PT who has some helpful suggestions about her care. She needs to move to assisted living, from an independent living place. 

Made dinner and cleaned it up. I had a late lunch and am not hungry, so I'll eat in a while and that will mess up my bloodsugar number for tomorrow am. Thinking my A1C will be worse this time around, not better. 

Put CSA veggies away. Offered some to a neighbor bc we have so, so many. 
Checked math for Ds. He is doing well and I am so excited about it! Hoping this year may get him out of the "I'm bad at math" attitude.

Next up: 
Make sure Ds stays on track with HW. Tomorrow is the last day before his Fall Break, so two tests and several things due.
Check Algebra
Pack a lunch


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