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ideas to keep a 10 year old boy busy who will be in casts for 3 weeks

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I don't know very many details but last night I just found out that my 10 year old nephew is having some kind of ankle surgery right before Christmas. I believe he is getting some kind of pins put in. He will be in casts for 3 weeks. I'm not sure if they will be walking casts but I'm assuming either way he won't be able to be very active.


He is normally a very active boy. He likes play video games but other than that he usually isn't the kind to like to sit still and read a book, etc.


I thought that during Christmas break I would bring my son (also 10) to visit with his cousin. I'm trying to think of things that they could do together (besides video games). I'm sure they will play video games too but I would also like to have a few other ideas.


I would also like to give him a gift bag with various activities that he could do on his own. I don't want to spend a ton of money ($20 or under). This isn't a Christmas present. I might throw a book in there but I'd like to think of some other ideas.

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Board games, of course. Thinks like Hangman and mad libs are also good. Good quality movies. I would get some handweights so that he can exercise vigorously from his chair. At ten (almost 11) my boys read A LOT and I wouldn't discount the notion that he might enjoy reading books if other activities aren't an option for him.


Making a gingerbread house would be a delight for mine - or other Christmas crafts. My kids really enjoy crafty activities. I don't, but they manage to get a few in this time of year.


One of my sons just sorted and put into rolls $120 in coins. That took the better part of an afternoon. Why not get family members to bring all their coins, let him sort them, and take him out to lunch with the proceeds?

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