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Reputable thermometer?


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My favorite is the Vicks Pediatric SpeedRead thermometer. It's digital, and our whole family uses it. I think retail is around $15, but as all thermometers they have been difficult to find. I actually had to replace it recently and found it in stock at a local WalMart for order pickup at around $8.

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13 minutes ago, RosemaryAndThyme said:

My favorite is the Vicks Pediatric SpeedRead thermometer. It's digital, and our whole family uses it. I think retail is around $15, but as all thermometers they have been difficult to find. I actually had to replace it recently and found it in stock at a local WalMart for order pickup at around $8.

Thanks. I think we are looking for a forehead kind. The under tongue just never seem to work well IMO. 

It doesn’t need to be for kids since we don’t have little ones. 

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27 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Thanks. I think we are looking for a forehead kind. The under tongue just never seem to work well IMO. 

It doesn’t need to be for kids since we don’t have little ones. 

Check ratings, etc.  My daughter was sent home from school last year and then her job 2 weeks ago with a high fever...

..except she didn't have a fever at all.  She has thick heavy bangs and a sweaty forehead and it registered over 101.5.

Personally I like the oral ones better.

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11 hours ago, Tap said:

You are going to have a hard time finding them right now. You might do best to go to Amazon, see what is available and read reviews based on what you can get right now.

Yeah, the thermometers that come up for me all seem cheap and unreliable, which is why I’m asking here. I don’t want to drop $70 for a piece of junk. 

Too many reviews are ridiculous—they give 5 stars but admit they don’t work consistently. I figured some brands might be worth seeking out, but it’s been nearly 18 years since I’ve bought a thermometer so I don’t know what to look for. 

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On 6/29/2020 at 5:33 PM, Arcadia said:

Braun is good for the ear thermometers but the reviews for their forehead thermometers are bad.

I haven't had good luck with temporal thermometers. I researched them thoroughly, learned how  to use it appropriately, and bought a reputable brand. I loved our ear thermometers, but they had to be placed just right to get a good reading, so I tried a few temporal ones instead. DD13 often sweats on her forehead and I think that is part of the problem getting an accurate reading on her. Even if she dries off her forehead, the sweat affects the skin temp. If I wait for her skin to return to normal temp, she is sweating again. If I had young kids, maybe I would find out what brand the doctors offices use, and get one of those. Probably a few hundred dollars, but much more accurate that the drug store ones. 

I only use oral thermometers now. They seem to be the most fail safe for my family (as long as it is under the tongue and the battery is good). 

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