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Tropical storm: Cristobal


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I hope this won’t be a big enough event for a huge thread.

But my Weather App is giving warnings for a swathe through North America — looks like from Canada into Gulf. 


Eta: now looks like it made landfall 


Edited by Pen
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To be honest, I don't watch much news right now....I'm overstressed, as it is, in my own life. So, I see this thread title and I pause, my brain is trying to compute what it is saying. What is Cristobal storm? It sounds like it could be a persons name, but it doesn't sound familiar and both words aren't capitalized. It sounds like a medical condition (like a thyroid storm) but I don't  know a medical term called Cristobal. I have a few other thoughts but nothing seems right. I stare at it for maybe 45-60 seconds without even realizing that I was still looking at it. LOL My brain is seriously exhausted right now. It finally dawns on me to open the thread!!!! Oy! It is going to be a long, long day. HAHA To be fair, I still had to Google what a Cristobal storm was (thought it was a type of storm, not a name) but at least I wasn't still blankly staring at it like it was a scary, unknown word on an SAT exam. 

ETA: The original title of thread was Christobal Storm. Thankfully the OP edited it to help us over-stressed mamas from blank stares into the computer screen. LOL 

Edited by Tap
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On 6/6/2020 at 11:53 AM, Tap said:

To be honest, I don't watch much news right now....I'm overstressed as it is in my own life. So, I see this thread title and I pause, my brain is trying to compute what it is saying. What is Cristobal storm? It sounds like it could be a persons name, but it doesn't sound familiar and both words aren't capitalized. It sounds like a medical condition (like a thyroid storm) but I don't  know a medical term called Cristobal. I have a few other thoughts but nothing seems right. I stare at it for maybe 45-60 seconds without even realizing that I was still looking at it. LOL My brain is seriously exhausted right now. It finally dawns on me to open the thread!!!! Oy! It is going to be a long, long day. HAHA To be fair, I still had to Google what a Cristobal storm was (thought it was a type of storm, not a name) but at least I wasn't still blankly staring at it like it was a scary, unknown word on an SAT exam. 


Title changed!!!

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South Texas here.  Cristobal (even from so far away) made our tides go all the way up to the sand dunes.  Several (let's call them uninformed) people got vehicles and RVs stuck on the beach in a very bad way.  There have been red flags at the beach for days (red means STOP) but people (I'm guessing out-of-towners) are going in the water.  A tiny little lifeguard just had to rescue some young lady who was drowning.  Why are there people in the water?  Do they think they are invincible?  Do they have no respect for the ocean?  I am always flabbergasted at the sheer disregard for their own safety.  There's a tropical storm in the GULF.  Our beach is at the GULF.  Yes, I'm venting.  My midwestern cousin was curious to know how people are supposed to know how dangerous it is.  I can't even.  Check the local weather?  Read the sign that explains what the red flag means?  Don't drive around the barricades?  People frustrate me.  

And now it's really terribly hot out because Cristobal is sucking out all the moisture and we are in a high pressure area.  So hot.  Go away, Cristobal.

Edited by perkybunch
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17 hours ago, Pen said:

Looks like flooding in Mississippi and elsewhere. Hope everyone is okay.


Then possible snow up to a foot for our area of PNW?   Really? In June? Is this a joke?  Or more 2020?



it was 2009 when there was SKIING on the 4th of July.  We were at sol-duc over memorial day week that year.  there was new snow on the surrounding mts. every. single. day.  at the end of MAY!!!!!!!   there was also MORE snow in the mts over memorial day week than in JANUARY! (in 2009).

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47 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:


it was 2009 when there was SKIING on the 4th of July.  We were at sol-duc over memorial day week that year.  there was new snow on the surrounding mts. every. single. day.  at the end of MAY!!!!!!!   there was also MORE snow in the mts over memorial day week than in JANUARY! (in 2009).


Okay, yeah, I know it does happen sometimes that snow comes in summer.  

But still not often.   

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