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A memorable experience I wanted to share here.

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Yesterday, my mother (who came to visit us for Thanksgiving), my daughters and I drove to a small town just north of here where my father used to go duck and goose hunting with several of his male contemporaries. For a period of a few years, the men leased land on a large and breathtakingly beautiful estate which was also home to three small cottages, perfect for a small group of hunters.


My mother drove down to the water's edge (Chester River) where we found a small bit of beach and, in perfect synchronicity, a duck blind. There, we scattered a few of my father's ashes in the water. One of the things he longed to do before he died, but was physically unable to accomplish, was to go hunting again. So, as we released the ashes, we thought of him coming back to this place, and of the three other men who had also been part of these hunting adventures, who died before my Dad. They were among my father's closest friends, and it's nice to think of them together again now, telling the same old stories and laughing like it's the first time any of them has heard them.


As we got in the car to leave, my younger daughter spotted a pair of bald eagles circling in the sky just overhead. We watched them soar and marveled at the fact that a pair of birds -- birds who mate for life -- came to celebrate this special occasion alongside us.


Life brings us much for which to be grateful, doesn't it?

Edited by Doran
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May I offer a biblical verse to accompany the memory?


Yet those who wait for the Lord

Will gain new strength;

They will mount up with wings like eagles,

They will run and not get tired,

They will walk and not become weary.


Isaiah 40:31


Peace to you, your Mom and your daughters.


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Jane, the verse is lovely. I have been pondering these words, taken from a book of Native American lore:


"Eagles are symbols of great power, a power that goes beyond their actual size...To align oneself with [the eagle] is to take on the responsibility and the power of becoming so much more than you now appear to be..."


They were a gift to us, most certainly.

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