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Cannot.do.this. - think I have the flu

Teresa in MO

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Sunday evening started with a bad sore throat and quickly got chills and body aches. Fever started yesterday afternoon, stayed around 100.  Has climbed now to over 101. Sore throat was gone yesterday morning.  Have a cough, chilled,body aches, and fever right now. Feel absolutely horrible.  My blood sugar, that I have been able to keep normal with diet and exercise for the past 3 years, is through the roof.  I don't have time for this.  Have no Christmas preparations done, no baking, very little gifts bought, and none wrapped.  Have stayed in my room in hopes that my 3 kids do not come down with this.  On top of everything, my daughter and her family are coming next week to stay temporarily for 3 months.  I miss my husband so much during times like this.  Thanks for letting me vent.

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I'm saying I'm so sorry too. I went to bed Sunday night feeling fine and woke up to a stomach bug. My stomach hurt like I was having my period and the . . . well, not throw up. And I have terrible body aches.

Just drink as much water as you can keep down even if it's just a tablespoon an hour. And eat a Saltine each hour when you can.

Take care of yourself and you'll get better faster.

I've been listening to a lot of podcasts b/c it's easier than reading.

I'm so sorry.


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Lean in.  Without guilt.  Just be sick, binge watch your favorite shows, drink ginger ale/tea, take warm or cool baths depending on what suits you at the moment, read books, nap, listen to whatever you like to listen to, and just be sick.

People like presents even if they aren't wrapped.  If you don't feel like wrapping, send daughter to the dollar store to buy inexpensive paper gift bags and reuse them next year, patting yourself on the back for being frugal/environmentally friendly.

This doesn't sound the like the year for baking, it sounds like the year for store bought treats. People love store bought treats.  Disposable settings can be very pretty with their festive themes-go easy on yourself.

Amazon will send things to your door delivered by elves in brown suits and hats. Let them.

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Maybe it's not the flu?  Our fever always hit immediately and was higher with the confirmed flu.  Just in hopes in blows through quicker for you!

Let it go.  It's ok.  All will be well.  Relax.  Some years I'm great with being on top of shopping and I bake a ton.  And years it doesn't work, I don't.  3 of us had confirmed flu the week before Christmas a few years ago and were down hard 8-10 days.  It was memorable alright!  Push fluids.  Rest.  Binge watch some trash.  

Edited by FuzzyCatz
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hope you will feel better soon— in meantime take pressure off yourself.  Plan on no baking, no wrapping this year.  That part will be fine.  

Christmas clementines tangerines 🍊 etc are good.  Take no cooking ...

and I agree about buying gifts online for delivery if that’s needed    

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