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11/24-11/30 exercise check

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Chilly out there this morning! I think I would have been better off had I not turned around in the garage twice thinking I needed more clothes.


38 degrees, sunny - long sleeves, capri length pants, gloved and ear flap hat. Took gloves before 1 mile.


3 miles, 30:52 minutes, 10:16 pace, 346 calories

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Cheryl, You are so encouraging. If I don't get on these boards for anything else I get on to check the exercise thread.


The weather was a lot warmer today so i thought I'd get a few miles outdoors....well. About 2 miles into my run it started sprinkling which turned into a down pour so I finished 1.5miles on my treadmill.

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I have a mile long list of things to do today, but hope to run while ds swims at 4:14. I should be able to get 2 miles in that way. And I use the word 'run' very loosely...you know how I do...run/walk.


I am soooooorreeee from my 2.77 journey yesterday. :party:


Yes but don't you feel good because you did it!? I hope you get to the run during swim time as well. :001_smile:

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Cheryl, You are so encouraging. If I don't get on these boards for anything else I get on to check the exercise thread.


The weather was a lot warmer today so i thought I'd get a few miles outdoors....well. About 2 miles into my run it started sprinkling which turned into a down pour so I finished 1.5miles on my treadmill.


Thanks Lynn. I must confess that there are times checking in is all I do as well. :)


Gotta hate the pouring rain, unless of course it's 90 outside. :tongue_smilie:


Good job for getting the whole work-out in!

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Chilly out there this morning! I think I would have been better off had I not turned around in the garage twice thinking I needed more clothes.


38 degrees, sunny - long sleeves, capri length pants, gloved and ear flap hat. Took gloves before 1 mile.


3 miles, 30:52 minutes, 10:16 pace, 346 calories


Brrrrrrrr. Good run! How do you run in so few clothes? I really think I'm just a cold person . . . wait, that didn't come out right! :lol:


I have a mile long list of things to do today, but hope to run while ds swims at 4:14. I should be able to get 2 miles in that way. And I use the word 'run' very loosely...you know how I do...run/walk.


I am soooooorreeee from my 2.77 journey yesterday. :party:


Great job!!!! I hope you can get in your workout today! Report back!!


Cheryl, You are so encouraging. If I don't get on these boards for anything else I get on to check the exercise thread.


The weather was a lot warmer today so i thought I'd get a few miles outdoors....well. About 2 miles into my run it started sprinkling which turned into a down pour so I finished 1.5miles on my treadmill.


I agree - some days I just don't have time to do anything else on here, but I'll check out this thread!


Glad you got to finish your workout!!


Cold here again - maybe 32? Ran 3 miles - 27 minutes. But, I was really pushing it! Two layers on the bottom, tshirt and sweatshirt on top, neck gator, ear thingy, mittens. Took mittens off by mile 2.


The rest of the day I'll be deep cleaning. That's exercise - right???

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Brrrrrrrr. Good run! How do you run in so few clothes? I really think I'm just a cold person . . . wait, that didn't come out right! :lol:


I don't know! I'm always the coldest person in the house. But I get really warm when I run.



Cold here again - maybe 32? Ran 3 miles - 27 minutes. But, I was really pushing it! Two layers on the bottom, tshirt and sweatshirt on top, neck gator, ear thingy, mittens. Took mittens off by mile 2.


The rest of the day I'll be deep cleaning. That's exercise - right???


Great job and pace! You are really getting fast out there. Maybe you just want to get home where it's warm? :tongue_smilie:


Yes, I think deep cleaning is exercise!


Ok, while re-reading and making sure everything looked right here, I had an epiphany - you don't wear a hat! As a girl scout I must have heard a 100 times that you lose 80% of your heat through your head. I never used to where a hat either. But now I know almost by temperature which hat to wear. The "running hat" or just plain "hat" is like this. The ear flap hat is like this one. But without the illuminite part. My hat is usually the last thing I take off. In fact I hardly ever take it off. I'll tuck the ear flaps back up into the hat, but not take it off.

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I don't know! I'm always the coldest person in the house. But I get really warm when I run.





Great job and pace! You are really getting fast out there. Maybe you just want to get home where it's warm? :tongue_smilie:


Yes, I think deep cleaning is exercise!


Ok, while re-reading and making sure everything looked right here, I had an epiphany - you don't wear a hat! As a girl scout I must have heard a 100 times that you lose 80% of your heat through your head. I never used to where a hat either. But now I know almost by temperature which hat to wear. The "running hat" or just plain "hat" is like this. The ear flap hat is like this one. But without the illuminite part. My hat is usually the last thing I take off. In fact I hardly ever take it off. I'll tuck the ear flaps back up into the hat, but not take it off.


Thanks!!! I actually prefer not to run with a hat because then my head sweats so darn much. Maybe I'll try it again just to see if I can then take off some of these layers.


I think my run was so fast because I was using that new watch! I kept looking down and when my time got over 9 min/mile, I'd speed up. I was competing against myself. But, I was dying at the end!!! It's so nice to see how fast/slow I'm going at a glance!

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AWESOME Scarlett!! How are your legs feeling today?


Not bad at all! I feel great actually. We have swim again tomorrow, so I will run then too, and then we are taking the rest of the week off of school...so I will have the time to run at least once more this week. 3 times would make me feel great.

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Not bad at all! I feel great actually. We have swim again tomorrow, so I will run then too, and then we are taking the rest of the week off of school...so I will have the time to run at least once more this week. 3 times would make me feel great.


Okay - I'm jealous that after a long run your legs feel so good!!! I'm happy for you though!!!


Great job again!

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Okay - I'm jealous that after a long run your legs feel so good!!! I'm happy for you though!!!


Great job again!


Well, let us keep in mind what Scarlett's runs actually are. I mean....look at my pace. Lots of walking too. I still can't get around that .6 track without stopping to walk. Oh, and remember how I couldn't wait to start running at this park so I could leave the hill of my street behind? Turns out that park isn't as flat as it looks from afar. :glare:

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Accidentally slept late this morning, so I missed my morning recumbent bike workout. And now, at 5:10, it is DARK. So, my goal is 30-45 min on the bike after dinner.


It's often very hard to do post-dinner exercise, so I'll have to check back in. It is so helpful to have this accountability!

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Well, let us keep in mind what Scarlett's runs actually are. I mean....look at my pace. Lots of walking too. I still can't get around that .6 track without stopping to walk. Oh, and remember how I couldn't wait to start running at this park so I could leave the hill of my street behind? Turns out that park isn't as flat as it looks from afar. :glare:


Hills are HARD!!!!! Remember after I visited my sister in GA and tried running there? Ack!!! I was SOOOO sore the next day! We have NO hills where I live. Fine by me!


Pace? Schmace. You're out there and you're working out. That's GREAT!!! So what if you have to walk! It's moving that's important! I remember when I started running and couldn't run 1/4 mile without stopping to walk. That was just this past April!


Do you have any races coming up that you could sign up for? They are just so much fun and such a great motivator that I have to encourage everyone to try it!! I can't wait until my next one - on Thursday (my birthday!)!!

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Accidentally slept late this morning, so I missed my morning recumbent bike workout. And now, at 5:10, it is DARK. So, my goal is 30-45 min on the bike after dinner.


It's often very hard to do post-dinner exercise, so I'll have to check back in. It is so helpful to have this accountability!


Just a friendly reminder - we're waiting for an update!!!!


(Oh - and I totally understand dark at 5!! It's awful, isn't it?)

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I did it! 35 minutes on the bike.


I'm now playing a much more exhausting game of scrabble with my boys and very competitive husband...the bike was easier. ;)


Thanks for all the encouragement!


Great job! Physical exercise or mental exercise... I wonder which is easier sometimes!

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Good morning back! I took a hot bath last night. It was only semi relaxing due to the 8 year old in my bedroom who kept talking to me. :glare: He is the cutest annoyance ever though.


Anway, another swim day, for ds, so I plan to run more today. I'm so excited. I am sore this morning, but not my legs. My lower back and bottom...but not like a back ache...definitely feels like muscles being used. I feel great.


I don't think my Nike shoes have as good of support as my Asics...but I like the Nikes so I can use my IPod thingy.


Happy exercising everyone!

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Good morning back! I took a hot bath last night. It was only semi relaxing due to the 8 year old in my bedroom who kept talking to me. :glare: He is the cutest annoyance ever though.


Anway, another swim day, for ds, so I plan to run more today. I'm so excited. I am sore this morning, but not my legs. My lower back and bottom...but not like a back ache...definitely feels like muscles being used. I feel great.


I don't think my Nike shoes have as good of support as my Asics...but I like the Nikes so I can use my IPod thingy.


Happy exercising everyone!


Go back to your Asics! I've been using the iPod thingy since I got it and I hate Nike shoes - they don't fit my feet right. I have one of these. It works just as well.


Sorry your bath wasn't relaxing. The same thing happens to me. :glare:

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Go back to your Asics! I've been using the iPod thingy since I got it and I hate Nike shoes - they don't fit my feet right. I have one of these. It works just as well.


Sorry your bath wasn't relaxing. The same thing happens to me. :glare:


So you wear it on your wrist like a watch? Would my arm band that I have to use for my Ipod work I wonder?

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3.02 miles, 30:36 minutes, 10:04 pace, 350 calories


I so envy your pace!


At Target I found a cool set of ear muffs that goes behind my head. They work great and even stay on while running...and they are black like my hair so they are barely visible. My ears get sooooo cold...and then it makes my jaw ache.

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Scarlett, answering herself--



I just pulled the sensor out of my shoe and put it in the arm band intended for the Nano....it will work! Thanks!


NOooo! The sensor pouch I have goes on your shoe. Go to the second picture on the Amazon page and it will show you how to put it on your shoe.


I don't think it will be accurate on your arm.

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NOooo! The sensor pouch I have goes on your shoe. Go to the second picture on the Amazon page and it will show you how to put it on your shoe.


I don't think it will be accurate on your arm.



Ok, I see the one you have for your shoe...I read the reviews about how it works...needs to be flat down by your foot....so I wonder why they sell an armband for the sensor? I was reading the reviews of the arm one when my screen locked up, and I'm out of time...gotta go school my boy.


Anyway, I will definitely go back to my Asics as soon as possible.

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30 minutes on the bike done for the day. I also did my pilates routine in front of the tv last night.


I'm hoping for a walk later as well, but we'll see. I need to get a head start on my Thanksgiving cooking tonight, so that may have to come first.


Good job, msjones! Cooking or exercise, which one?

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Had a good 6 mile run on Monday and am headed out soon to do cover the same ground today. I doubt I'll get a chance to run tomorrow since I'll be taking my boys to a play in Seattle. It might not be a bad idea to take it easy this week, though. I've definitely got that "aching joints and shin splints" feeling.

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Had a good 6 mile run on Monday and am headed out soon to do cover the same ground today. I doubt I'll get a chance to run tomorrow since I'll be taking my boys to a play in Seattle. It might not be a bad idea to take it easy this week, though. I've definitely got that "aching joints and shin splints" feeling.


Good job on the miles, but do take it easy with the aching joints and shin splints!

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Good morning ladies,


3 miles done for the day:D


I was out running errands and thus arrived at the park early for swim, so I got my longest time in yet.


3.47 mi/42:44 time/12:16 pace/366 Calories


I went 3 laps, stopped to get ds off the playground and into the dome to swim and then went for 2 more....I'm pretty pleased with myself. :D

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I was out running errands and thus arrived at the park early for swim, so I got my longest time in yet.


3.47 mi/42:44 time/12:16 pace/366 Calories


I went 3 laps, stopped to get ds off the playground and into the dome to swim and then went for 2 more....I'm pretty pleased with myself. :D


Great job Scarlett!

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Wacky because of all the stuff I need to do. 2 things checked off - take the dogs to the kennel and exercise. Today would normally be a swim day, but I'll wait until the stitches are out. I ran instead. As I told the kids I was going to listen to my fast music. I say, music does impact your speed. I knew that, but listening to fast music induces me to go faster! :)


38 degrees - long sleeves, capri length pants, ear flap hat


2.21 miles, 20:44 minutes, 9:22 (!) pace, 255 calories


Ok, so my fast isn't as fast as Colleen's training pace. But I try so hard not to compare myself to you fast people.

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Got up, dragged myself to the bike, and did my 30 minutes.


Also, I managed to do my pilates AND cook my sweet potatoes last night -- my husband took the boys to the pool.


He's off work early today, so I'm hoping to get out for a walk. It was unbelievably dreary here yesterday -- even by Seattle standards. I'm feeling very cooped up, and the bike in the closet only adds to the feeling of cooped-upness.


Way to go, everyone, on sticking with the exercise!

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Got up, dragged myself to the bike, and did my 30 minutes.


Also, I managed to do my pilates AND cook my sweet potatoes last night -- my husband took the boys to the pool.


He's off work early today, so I'm hoping to get out for a walk. It was unbelievably dreary here yesterday -- even by Seattle standards. I'm feeling very cooped up, and the bike in the closet only adds to the feeling of cooped-upness.


Way to go, everyone, on sticking with the exercise!


It's always hard to get out there when it's dreary. Good for you for making it out there!

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