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Please send healing thoughts and prayers for my mom


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She has trouble walking and getting around and is frustrated.   she decided to get a pedicure and now has an infected toe to add to it all.   I feel bad for her she wants to do so many things but can't.  She does go out once a week and does her own housework  to "keep moving" and won't let us help or take advantage of grocery pick up or delivery.  So sad to see parents age.  

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Praying that her toe heals quickly.

I understand, though, about the wanting to keep moving.  I have RA and I am mildly disabled.  Now house-cleaning and grocery shopping are not my top priorities, but I understand about the desire to hang onto something.

I sing in my church choir.  There are weeks that I am limping heavily and cannot stand for more than a few minutes.  I refuse to give up choir because it is something that I enjoy and I am not about to let my health problems steal that from me.  

I think that it kind of goes back to that fighting cancer thread a few weeks ago.  My body is fighting against me and I refuse to just give in.  I think that your mom might be feeling the same way.  😞

Hugs to both of you.

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