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I am freaking out about state testing.


We moved to NC this year where they require annual state testing (we use to live in Michigan where they require nothing). I do not have to report the results of the testing to anyone and my ds (9yo) will be taking the ITBS in a group setting with a local homeschool group.


I already know he is not going to score well on math because we switched to MUS this year and started from the beginning to cover missed concepts. He has covered Alpha, Beta and Gamma and does well with it but has not had any division or fractions, both of which will be on the test.


Logically, I know that this test doesn't really matter. We are only doing it because we have to and my son will catch up, probably by the end of next year, with math. I know all this.


So why am I a nervous wreck? Am I afraid that this test will show me to be a teaching failure? Am I afraid to compare my ds with other students? Will this be an indictment of my teaching skills or will my son feel like a failure? Should I ditch our regular curriculum for the next 6 weeks and do nothing but test prep?


The mere idea of him coming back with low test scores makes me want to throw up. Why am I freaking out over a test that doesn't really matter? Does anyone else go through this feeling with testing?

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Relax. Honestly, they are in place to show how well a SCHOOL DISTRICT is doing so the state knows how much money to throw at them the next year. My dh teaches in a ps and that's what he says. They can't ban you from hsing if he "fails". Standardized tests put kids into a cookie cutter mold and expect that all kids at x grade level know y material. It's ridiculous. PA now has a Science portion of the PSSA's for 4th grade and up. So, I wonder, if my 4th grader doesn't cover xyz in Science in 4th grade...will he be hindered for the rest of his school career? NOT! Relax. View it as I do...a necessary evil. AND...from prev. experience...my dd has always been a stellar reader (years ahead of her grade level) but one year she actually "failed" the reading portion of the test! Test also test how well you can take a test. Sure, a good thing when SAT's come, but in 3rd grade? P.L.E.A.S.E. JMHO...others may disagree :)

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We don't have to do standardized testing here, but I still do it every year anyway with our local homeschool support group. I do it mainly to get the boys used to a testing environment. However, I also do it to see if we are on track with our studies. The test, of course, is just a snapshot of their abilities on a given day, but it can also show an area that needs some attention. I saw this with my middle son and math. It helped me to see that we needed to try something different for him.


You know that math is not going to be where you want it to be, but you are already doing something about it. Look at this year as a baseline, and then you'll be able to see how well your changes are doing next year.


I do get nervous about their testing because if they don't do well, it seems like a bad reflection on me as their teacher. However, that's really not the case. The test is tool I use to make our homeschool the best it can be; I have to keep reminding myself of that.



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I went through this last year with my dc. I live in NJ, no testing required, but my dh wanted them to be tested. They had taken the Stanfords back when they were in Christian school and I was so afraid that their levels would have gone down. They didn't, in fact their percentiles went from the low 90's to the high 90's. Ds12 was average for science, which was fine, I'm really low key with science in the lower grades. All we did is pick up one of those test practice booklets from B&N and they practiced taking the test for about a week in their spare time.


Give yourself grace on the math portion, you know why the scores might be off, but don't be surprised if he does better than you think. :)

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This is a relatively relaxed test. Most of it is done orally, and they give you immediate feedback and scores. I'm not sure where in NC you are but they are located in Winston. This is one that you wouldn't have to freak out about. They offer advice as far as learning styles and curriculum choices too.





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I gave the CAT tests. I believe you can give them the Survey test which is much shorter than the standard. They are not difficult tests and don't require a long time to take them. You can administer them over a period of a few days if you wish. I order through Seton Home and they're about $25. Of course, if you've already paid for the ITBS you might as well just have him take it. And, don't sweat it. I'm sure he will do fine!:)


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You can have him do a couple of test prep exercises from a test prep book, but it really isn't necessary to spend 6 weeks preparing for a test. And, remember if he gets nervous and just doesn't do well on the test, it's ok. I was never asked to turn in any test scores in the 6 years I was there. Relax :D.

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We went through that last year. We moved to NC from Florida, which does not require testing, and ds, who was 8 & in 3rd grade last year, had never been tested. I was Really worried about how he would do. We ordered the CAT-E from Seton & also the Spectrum Practice test book, and we Did spend a week going through the practice book. It turned out that the Spectrum book was Much harder and longer than the actual test, and when ds took the CAT-E, he was delighted with how short and simple the real test was! He actually did quite well, and the experience was a confidence booster for both of us.

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Even when my kids fall behind in the curriculum, they still test very well every year. I think students who have a strong foundation in the basics of each subject can sometimes use that knowledge to answer questions that they might not have covered yet in school. You are giving your child that strong foundation, and he might surprise you with how well he does.

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Relax. Honestly, they are in place to show how well a SCHOOL DISTRICT is doing so the state knows how much money to throw at them the next year. My dh teaches in a ps and that's what he says. They can't ban you from hsing if he "fails". Standardized tests put kids into a cookie cutter mold and expect that all kids at x grade level know y material. It's ridiculous. PA now has a Science portion of the PSSA's for 4th grade and up. So, I wonder, if my 4th grader doesn't cover xyz in Science in 4th grade...will he be hindered for the rest of his school career? NOT! Relax. View it as I do...a necessary evil. AND...from prev. experience...my dd has always been a stellar reader (years ahead of her grade level) but one year she actually "failed" the reading portion of the test! Test also test how well you can take a test. Sure, a good thing when SAT's come, but in 3rd grade? P.L.E.A.S.E. JMHO...others may disagree :)



That's pretty much how I feel about this testing. Why does a student HAVE to learn about the solar system in 3rd grade? Can't they learn about it in 2nd grade or 4th grade? Does it have to be 3rd grade? This test is going to ask a bunch of social studies questions that he may not know but if there were questions on Mesopotamia or Ancient Greece or the Reformation he would ace them, KWIM? I can't wait until it is over. :(

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