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Do your children ever get a body rash when they have a fever, or is this scarlet feve

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Dd8 has had a fever (high at times-103 to 105 was the highest) and sore throat since Tues-no other symptoms. I called dr. yesterday and she thought it sounded like a virus, to give it a couple days and see what happens. Last night she popped a rash on her upper chest, now it's spread over her stomach and partly down her arms. It's not too bad looking and fairly light. It looks like a heat rash. Could it just be a result of the virus she has, or something more? I'm waiting for the dr. office to open.) Her symptoms sound like scarlet fever, but I don't know how common that is.

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that your dd had lingering strep issues. Was it because of not finishing the antibiotic? Dh was mentioning the events of our day to someone at work whose sister became deaf from scarlet fever. I don't know a lot of specifics, but she had taken the antibiotic. Can you tell me more about what happened with your dd? I want to be sure I do all I can to resolve this. Thank you!

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So sorry your dd has this, hoping for a quick recovery. I had this when I was 10, I'm 40 something now. That was the sickest I have ever been. I was out of school for 3-4 weeks. It took me a long time to get my strength back. That was back in the 60's I'm sure they treat this differently now.

Some of the older antibiotics could cause deafness, as could just having high fever so one of those factors might have caused dh friends deafness.

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that your dd had lingering strep issues. Was it because of not finishing the antibiotic? Dh was mentioning the events of our day to someone at work whose sister became deaf from scarlet fever. I don't know a lot of specifics, but she had taken the antibiotic. Can you tell me more about what happened with your dd? I want to be sure I do all I can to resolve this. Thank you!


I don't think we did anything wrong and yes we finished all medications BUT I did not always go to the doctor as soon as I might have if I had know how serious strep can be. I tend to under react to illness. Anyhow, she had continuous strep infections for a year or two following the scarlet fever culminating with Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (HSP) and autoimmune disorder. THey're not completely certain but many doctors feel HSP is linked with the Strep virus. We dealt with this for about six months and happily she seems to have no long term problems. I might add we did have her tonsils removed as they seemed to be a trap for the strep virus (according to the doctor).


All to say, take strep seriously and treat it according to your doctors recommendations. I am sure all will be well.



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I in NO way meant to insinuate any wrongdoing on your part. I understand because I am an under-reactor too, and our pediatrician is even MORE so! She told me yesterday over the phone that it's probably just a virus because she hadn't seen any strep coming in at all! So I even felt kind of funny calling back today (not that she made me feel that way at all-we love her, and she's always been right before.)


I am so sorry you went through so much, and I was just trying to get a feel for what the situation was so I can make sure I take the right steps in treating this to avoid long-term problems (which I've been hearing a lot about today and it's alarming!) Thanks for posting. I'm glad your dd is doing well now!

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I took no offence. I know you weren't implying wrong doing. I can see, though, how my response looked like I was defensive. (BTW I'm not an easily offended person, with a good sense of humour. I'm just not sure that always comes across in written communication.)


I think under reacting is a personality trait too. I could win the worst mother award when I recall the time my five year old came in screaming that his arm hurt after falling in the snow (icy covered snowbank). I told him to calm down, go back outside and play. It would stop hurting soon. Well, two hours later, and no calming down, we took him to the doctor who IMMEDIATELY diagnosed a broken coller bone. Boy did I feel like a lousy parent!!



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