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The best thing to do when your children are sledding, is not to look (sometimes).

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We have a terrifying sledding hill. Fast, long, & treacherous.


My 11 1/2 yob and 9 yob are skilled sled drivers, so they do not worry me. However, the 7 yog (yikes) and the 3 yob (who *thinks* he is 6 yo) need supervision.


11 1/2 yob takes charge and has the bad drivers ride w/ him, but 3 yob snuck out the door and decided to go to the top of the hill and give it a whirl..by himself. He went sailing into the clothesline and produced a nice bump on his head. (gRRRRRR).


You ought to see these sleds ripping down the hill!


They look forward to this all year.


Time to make some hot chocolate!




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We lived in a FAR NW suburb of Chicago when our 2 oldest dds were little.


Each town had its own sledding hill--I remember stopping by it every day after picking up dd from pre-school. Oldest dd was not afraid of anything--usually I'd go down with her...but I remember her getting away from me a few times and me holding my breath!


We had a small hill by the side of our house that my 2 dds' (4 and 2) would tackle together... I remember coming home from store one day just in time to see them sled into a HUGE bush/tree--DH had his back turned and was talking to a neighbor (argggg). A few bruises--but they were soon back at it again.


Now we live in Texas--and wear shorts nearly year-round. My girls have seen snow twice in the last 10 years--and then it was only a dusting...




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I'd not been concerned about the dramatic names they've given them, like Death Hill, Double Death Hill and Suicide Slope.


But then one day they came in talking about a new one, the Toilet Bowl. I *had* to investigate. Turns out they found a new hill, but the place where it flattened out to an end at the bottom ran dangerously close to the retention pond. They claimed it was no big deal because the pond was frozen over, but that hill was banned unless Dad could go out sledding with them to double check the ice layer first. It was actually fun when it was approved, because at the end of the hill they could spin out over the ice (tobogganning rather than sledding).


Boys will be boys, eh? Sometimes they talk me into coming out and taking a run with them. It's fun!

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I'd not been concerned about the dramatic names they've given them, like Death Hill, Double Death Hill and Suicide Slope.


But then one day they came in talking about a new one, the Toilet Bowl. I *had* to investigate. Turns out they found a new hill, but the place where it flattened out to an end at the bottom ran dangerously close to the retention pond. They claimed it was no big deal because the pond was frozen over, but that hill was banned unless Dad could go out sledding with them to double check the ice layer first. It was actually fun when it was approved, because at the end of the hill they could spin out over the ice (tobogganning rather than sledding).


Boys will be boys, eh? Sometimes they talk me into coming out and taking a run with them. It's fun!

I love the names!

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Last year we were invited to a friend's hill to go sledding. There were about 6 families there. I had ds' helmet in the car. I looked around and none of the other kids had helmets on. I caved in to peer pressure and thought I don't want the only homeschooled kids to be the one wearing the only helmet. I was really concious at that first year of homeschooling about having him stand out. So I went against my own better judgement.


After having a great time sledding with the other kids ds was sitting near the bottom of the hill when one of the kids came down on one of those metal gt's. He fell off and the gt went in ds's direction. It hit him. It didn't look hard but he was crying. There was a dad at the bottom of the hill who was there in seconds and I ran down the hill. He cried for probably less than a minute. I checked his forhead and saw a faint red mark but that was all. He wanted to keep going, so we stayed another hour or son. After we got home, quite a while after, he said there was something sticky in his hair. I looked at the back of his head and there was blood - quite a bit! He had a gash on his head where the sled hit him! I felt so sick! Ended up needing stitches :( I called the mom who had invited us to let her know and the next weekend every child there was wearing a helmet. I did a search online and was really surprised about how many serious injuries and deaths were the result of sledding without helmets. We never used helmets as a kid and had a few good tumbles!

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My sister came to visit one wintery day. She was homeschooling and mine were on winter break. We let our children walk to the big sled hill one block away, as the olders were more than capable of taking care of the younger.


About a half hour later, a strange woman came walking up my driveway carrying my youngest daughter.


She had collided with a big kid who lost control of his sled. She was fine, mostly scared, the woman was really really nice and I never let my kids go sledding alone again!

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When my brother and I were little, we were sledding on a hill that had a snow bank at the bottom to stop the sledders, because the river was on the other side. (I think the bank was built up with extra snow for that purpose.) It was probably the most popular sledding place in our area. Anyway, one time we were sledding and kept going right up over the hill and ended up on the frozen part of the river. Any further, and we would have gone right into the water. My dad came bolting down that hill so fast! Needless to say, after that we were only allowed to go sledding at other locations.

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