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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!  Woke up at 4:30 and couldn't get back to bed.  Everything went well with closing yesterday and I had to sit around for 4 hours with the cable guy.  Fun times.

-run to 24 hour CVS about 15 minutes away because we ran out of coffee....
-leave around 8 to go to house and wait for the carpet cleaners
-clean oven and baseboards while at the house
-dust all the blinds so I did one room and then was over it
-order a new washer/dryer for the house
-sign DS14 up for online honors chem, registration opens at noon and I believe fills up very quickly so I will be stalking the website

-stop by grocery store on the way home, also check out a butcher near the new place to see how that looks
-school with DS14 (I keep forgetting this part)
-baseball scrimmage at 5:30 for DS17 (gonna be another rainy day, really hope this is cancelled...) cancelled
-dinner (steaks)

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Congrats on the house, Pink and Green! I know you will be glad to get settled in and begin enjoying your new home. 

FT day here!

Ds' art class is going to see an Inpressionist exhibit, so dd and I are going too. 



Swimming? NO

Take ds to my mom's.

Dd to a youth group event?

laundry put away

cool and freeze chx stock

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2 hours ago, Pink and Green Mom said:

Good morning!  Woke up at 4:30 and couldn't get back to bed.  Everything went well with closing yesterday and I had to sit around for 4 hours with the cable guy.  Fun times.

-run to 24 hour CVS about 15 minutes away because we ran out of coffee....
-leave around 8 to go to house and wait for the carpet cleaners
-clean oven and baseboards while at the house
-dust all the blinds
-order a new washer/dryer for the house
-sign DS14 up for online honors chem, registration opens at noon and I believe fills up very quickly so I will be stalking the website
-stop by grocery store on the way home, also check out a butcher near the new place to see how that looks
-school with DS14 (I keep forgetting this part)
-baseball scrimmage at 5:30 for DS17
-dinner (steaks)

Are you signing your dd up for Clover Valley honors chem? We’re using that next year, too, only we’re going to do the parent-graded version.  Dh has a degree in chemistry.  I’m a little nervous about it because dh has such a hectic work schedule (so it’s easy for things to get overlooked), but the cost savings decided it for us. I’m excited about it, though, because I’ve read so many good things about her classes.

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Good morning!

Happy March! Looking at the extended forecast, we have about two more weeks of very cold temps and then it is going to warm up above freezing. I am counting down the days!

  • school w/dd
  • make menu plan and shopping list
  • give dogs Heartgard
  • a little bit of office work (print out a few things, do some filing, remember to switch one of our credit cards over to paperless billing)
  • check how much grain we have on hand
  • get Thai food for lunch
  • stop at Target for a couple things *remember to bring gift cards*
  • Natural Grocers
  • pick up a few bags of grain - or maybe I'll have the boys get it tomorrow on their way down
  • come home, do evening chores
  • dinner: leftovers
  • read, relax, take sauna, & watch a show or two tonight
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Howdy!  I got my last Feb 28 report out just before midnight, so today I have to work on the ones that are due "end of year + 60," plus a few others.  I'm feeling pretty good about work at the moment.

Tonight is my kid's first performance of her last show with her gymnastics team.  She ages out after this year.

  • Kid 1 up to study.  Went back to bed.
  • Kid 2 woke herself up, because I slept through my alarm.
  • Kids off to the school bus on time, yay!  7th grade is 2/3 done!
  • Quick house cleaning stuff - kitchen, bathrooms.
  • Checked social media, emails, news.

To do:

  • Lots of work reports.
  • Shower / hair wash - the earlier the better.
  • Pack performance clothes in the car.
  • Pick kids up from bowling, grab drive-thru and drive to college for performance / gymnastics meet (we are spectators at the meet).
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Hopeistheword, yes - that is what I'm signing DS14 up for.  Unfortunately I top out at 5th grade science (and DH is no help) so no parent graded options for me here.  🤣

I am looking into doing an honors chem class here at a co-op in our new location, but I'm not sure if the co-op is going to be a good fit so I'm keeping my options open.  Or making too much out of this.  Depends who you ask...

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20 minutes ago, Pink and Green Mom said:

Hopeistheword, yes - that is what I'm signing DS14 up for.  Unfortunately I top out at 5th grade science (and DH is no help) so no parent graded options for me here.  🤣

I am looking into doing an honors chem class here at a co-op in our new location, but I'm not sure if the co-op is going to be a good fit so I'm keeping my options open.  Or making too much out of this.  Depends who you ask...

Ha! We ARE sisters! 

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It’s Friday, y’all! 🎉💃🏻


Shower and wash hair 

Get kids moving in a productive direction 

Hair stuff (I’m working on doing the curly girl method for my wavy locks, and it’s a real project!)

Completely dressed

Coffee + RXbar over whatever quiet I can manage (no time for quiet 😵)

dough in bread machine 

ETA: talk to mom on phone 

figure out school day 

have kids go on scavenger hunt for library books (found 74/76!) 

abbreviated school with boys (very abbreviated! Ended up going over Spanish with dd14, too) 

ETA: check in with dd13 on her school work (eh—sort of.  MUST catch up on Monday!) 


finish Ruby Holler

go to credit union to make deposits 


boys to party school for Ruby Holler

Stop at store for ds8 to buy dh’s birthday present (that boy loves to give!)

back home to finish supper

grocery store?




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Good morning! I am supposed to get tires today for one car. Apparently, the other car will need them soon as well. Awesome. So my day is a little wonky. At least it is supposed to be beautiful today, snow and cold tomorrow.

  • coffee/paper
  • leave to get tires
  • wait somewhere or drive elsewhere if they don't have them
  • do some writing and reading while I wait
  • home at some point to check in with kids
  • do some chores
  • I am not going to deal with dinner tonight

Have a great day!


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36 minutes ago, Pink and Green Mom said:

Hopeistheword, yes - that is what I'm signing DS14 up for.  Unfortunately I top out at 5th grade science (and DH is no help) so no parent graded options for me here.  🤣

This is why I planned ahead and married a math and physics major.

Well, not really, since I had no idea we would end up homeschooling, but it sure has come in handy.😉

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11 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I just got asked to tutor again by a random lady who came up to me in Starbucks.  (I don't have to advertise.  Just coffee shop my daughter.)  She wants me to tutor her fifth grade daughter in math.  I'm in a panic!  Dd says that I can do this. 

Of course you can!

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Well, that was a dumb morning. Went to the wrong Costco first. Then drove to the next one. They have the tires- Hallelujah! Get halfway through a cup of coffee to find out- sorry, a used car with weird aftermarket rims need different tires, get a refund. They don't have the right ones and they are more expensive. No idea when they will get them.  And the tires we have are fine for a  while (thanks dealership for the different information on that), just not great on snow. Dh not available. Turns out he is in an interview- What?? I didn't know that...

So, trip to Costco, no tires, not even ordered. Dh slightly irritated with me- but honestly- tell me if I can't reach you before you leave in the morning when I have to make a big $$ decision.

Sigh, so now I am at home. I am going to clean and do laundry to try to regain a little productivity. 

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1 hour ago, MysteryJen said:

Well, that was a dumb morning. Went to the wrong Costco first. Then drove to the next one. They have the tires- Hallelujah! Get halfway through a cup of coffee to find out- sorry, a used car with weird aftermarket rims need different tires, get a refund. They don't have the right ones and they are more expensive. No idea when they will get them.  And the tires we have are fine for a  while (thanks dealership for the different information on that), just not great on snow. Dh not available. Turns out he is in an interview- What?? I didn't know that...

So, trip to Costco, no tires, not even ordered. Dh slightly irritated with me- but honestly- tell me if I can't reach you before you leave in the morning when I have to make a big $$ decision.

Sigh, so now I am at home. I am going to clean and do laundry to try to regain a little productivity. 

Oh, I hate days like that and I'm sorry you are having one!! 


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Home from the museum. Resting.

Next up: 


Church to drop off dd for a youth event and also to drop off some food for tomorrow's Habitat build.

Ds to my mom's. 

Be home by myself for a couple hours. What to do?!


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11 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Home from the museum. Resting.

Next up: 


Church to drop off dd for a youth event and also to drop off some food for tomorrow's Habitat build.

Ds to my mom's. 

Be home by myself for a couple hours. What to do?!


Read a book! Take a nap!  Sip coffee or tea and stare at the wall!  

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Change of plans. There goes my dream of Thai food...

Dd has a few unfinished assignments for an online class that absolutely have to get turned in today (why she didn't figure this out before we made other plans, I have no clue). So she is going to stay home and get her work done and we have moved our Target/Thai plans to tomorrow.

Meanwhile, dh needs me to run into town and go to the bank. And since we're not going to Natural Grocers, I'm facing the dreaded Friday-afternoon-when-the-store-is-packed-Walmart-shopping-trip. Ugh. I was just at the bank and Walmart yesterday and do not feeling like going back. 😐

Dinner is going to be tacos, rice, and slaw.

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Dropped off kids and food. 
Got in and out of Walmart (just the small neighborhood market, not the huge superstore!) and  home in good time.
For now, I am steadfastly ignoring a heap of laundry that needs to be folded and the folded stacks on the sofa that need to be put away. Not going to tidy Ds' room.

Toodling around the web doing some planning research for next year. 
Next up: watch a webinar and heat up some dinner. Chx and white bean chili, yumm! 


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Watched Angelina Stanford's class. 
Made brownies.
Had a yummy dinner.
Ate a brownie with ice cream. My body will not be happy tomorrow, but it was SO delicious! 
Signed Ds up for some fun stuff at our Nature Center.

Working on Spring Break plans next. Day trip to the Rocket ctr. in Huntsville, breakfast at Waffle House followed by trip to McKay, a day hiking at the park, a day to sleep late and do nothing, a day for dd to hang out with friends, a Sundy school party, another trip to see the Impressionist exhibit that  we saw today, a few hours to clean the house and pay bills. 

Mostly waiting for Dh and Dd to get home. Tired of my empty house. I rather like it during the day, but not at night.


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1 hour ago, ScoutTN said:

Watched Angelina Stanford's class. 
Made brownies.
Had a yummy dinner.
Ate a brownie with ice cream. My body will not be happy tomorrow, but it was SO delicious! 
Signed Ds up for some fun stuff at our Nature Center.

Working on Spring Break plans next. Day trip to the Rocket ctr. in Huntsville, breakfast at Waffle House followed by trip to McKay, a day hiking at the park, a day to sleep late and do nothing, a day for dd to hang out with friends, a Sundy school party, another trip to see the Impressionist exhibit that  we saw today, a few hours to clean the house and pay bills. 

Mostly waiting for Dh and Dd to get home. Tired of my empty house. I rather like it during the day, but not at night.


I live about an hour north of the space center!  

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12 hours ago, hopeistheword said:

It’s Friday, y’all! 🎉💃🏻


Shower and wash hair 

Get kids moving in a productive direction 

Hair stuff (I’m working on doing the curly girl method for my wavy locks, and it’s a real project!)

Completely dressed

Coffee + RXbar over whatever quiet I can manage (no time for quiet 😵)

dough in bread machine 

ETA: talk to mom on phone 

figure out school day 

have kids go on scavenger hunt for library books (found 74/76!) 

abbreviated school with boys (very abbreviated! Ended up going over Spanish with dd14, too) 

ETA: check in with dd13 on her school work (eh—sort of.  MUST catch up on Monday!) 


finish Ruby Holler

go to credit union to make deposits 


boys to party school for Ruby Holler

Stop at store for ds8 to buy dh’s birthday present (that boy loves to give!)

back home to finish supper

grocery store?




Everything done, more or less, except quiet time for me and taking my ds8 to buy a gift.  He’ll remind me, no doubt.  

Now I plan to do a bit of reading before bed!

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