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The Jobs and Interviews Teachers Lounge 2-12-2019


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Good morning/afternoon, all! Welcome to the Lounge!

Today's theme stems from the fact that I've been encouraging my dd20 to look for a job. She's been applying here and there and finally has a job interview! Woohoo!
It is this Thursday! So, send her all your prayers, good thoughts, and vibes. She stated on her application that she's available full-time. Personally, I hope they'll offer part-time to start.
Not sure how my Aspie dd will do jumping into full-time from the get go! It's all a learning experience, though!

Any of your kiddos seeking their first job? Here: see above. I'm just so happy she finally landed an interview!

What's on your schedule this week besides school? Here: thinking about taking the kids to see a movie sometime this week. My BFF sent us movie gift cards to use for Christmas and we still have
some money left on them to use.

What's your weather like this week? Here: even though I live in the desert🏜️, it's getting into the 30s❄️ at night and we're lucky to hit 70 in the afternoon.🌞

Talk to me! 

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Hi ya, Scrap!

My aspie got his first job at the grocery store a couple of years ago.  Then an IT job which he still has even though he's going to university in your state. 

My non-aspie just got her first (non-babysitting) job this year.

We just broke the 1916 record for most snowfall in February.  There has been no garbage pickup for two weeks.  The garbage company is having a big garbage pickup at a local park today.  I expect long lines.  My schedule today all depends on garbage and how smoothly that goes.  

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3 hours ago, scrapbookbuzz said:

 Talk to me! 


Good thoughts headed her way! Interviews are so nerve-wracking. Lots of job action going on down here!

My youngest (college freshman) was hired as an Orientation Leader for her school! They do the tours at orientation, guide and answer questions, and there are also chants and dancing involved, lol. This is the kid who panicked at the thought of ordering her own sandwich at Subway until . . . way too recently, so that's a big win. 

My oldest (college junior) has two jobs this semester: she leads breakout sessions for a specific class she already took, and helps a teacher input and organize research. She is also seeking an internship for the summer which is REQUIRED to graduate, so we need all the good thoughts we can get. It has to involve the foreign language that is part of her international business degree, which makes it a bit more difficult. Lots of students wind up doing it after graduation, which I really want her to avoid. 

I'm home sick from my new-ish job assisting at a Montessori school. I really like it but lord those kids are germy. It's been very interesting to compare and contrast to homeschooling. I'm also on the list to do scoring again starting in March (like standardized test scoring). I did it last year for the first time while I was also going crazy with youngest graduating and making college decisions, so I didn't get a great feel for how I will like it. I'm also hoping for some variety this year; last year was math only, so much math, so very many thousands of math problems . . . 

And, dh just got a new job! Same general industry, roughly similar job, but more upscale company, more travel, rather a big change overall. 

We have all the excitement and all the anxiety right now 🙃


2 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

   My schedule today all depends on garbage and how smoothly that goes.  


I am very amused by this sentence. 

Edited by katilac
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All the best for your dd, scrap!

I had two job interviews last week. Even if they don't work out, it's always a great learning opportunity to go through that interview process. The best advice I received to help prep for my interviews were to go on-line and research the work place, and look at the STAR interview response techniques (you can google them). That really helped me feel confident. 

The weather here in Canada (Ontario) is snow stormy with lots of wind. It's also cold. My university class was cancelled for tonight, and classes are cancelled for tomorrow. We're supposed to get over a foot of snow in the next few hours. Our snow banks are already really high, so I don't know where we're going to put the snow when we shovel. Oh the joys of winter!;)

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