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The How Can It Be Monday? Teachers Lounge 11-26-2018


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Good morning, all! Welcome to the Lounge! Today, for refreshments, we have coffee, along with all the ingredients for "froo-froo" coffee :-), a variety of looseleaf teas, apple cider, 
ginger ale, Fresca, and water. Help yourself! We also have some apples, bananas, Mission (aka fancy) figs, Medjool dates, organic dried apricots (sulfite-free), and raisins. Later I 
may be making some gluten-free double chocolate muffins and maybe, just maybe, some pumpking chocolate chip muffin tops.

The theme today stems from the fact that while the weekend was long, I also feel like it was short. I simultaneously feel like I got some things accomplished and not enough. I'm very
bad at planning but very good at thinking of things at the last minute. Which is not really helpful when you have a long weekend in which much more could have been accomplished if I'd
had a plan! Alas...

Do anything fun this weekend? Here: Friday, went to a friend's "Friendsgiving", a mostly annual open house style gathering they have the day after Thanksgiving. I think the kids had fun but my kids 
were not prepared for so many OTHER friends of their friends to be there. The few adults there chatted and played a few rounds of Mexican Train Dominoes. Saturday went to a movie with my husband and to a write-in with some other writer folks. Sunday was interesting in that dh and ds went to church, while dd and I stayed home. She and I wound up watching the movie War Room during that time. Wow! 

What's on the schedule today? Here: morning Monday admin (figure out what needs to be done this week), open the Lounge, going to make a plan of action for my dd20, schooling (mostly household) with ds14, baking, and meeting with friends tonight.

What are your plans for DECEMBER? Here: I remember last year, after ALL of December was over, thinking that I feel we'd rushedthrougheverything and didn't really take time to ENJOY the holiday season. So, even though we haven't accomplished a whole lot of academia in November, mostly due to health issues, I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, we may forego a formal school schedule and focus on experiencing - and full enjoying and embracing - the wonder that infuses Christmas. I hardly remember last year's December, just what I remember feeling at the end. This year, I want to make MEMORIES! What about you?

Talk to me! 👂

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Hi ya Scrap!  I had a long to-do list over the weekend. But we did have a nice time watching The Greatest Showman after Thanksgiving dinner. And yesterday we took Juliet to the dog park. 

This week is back to school. Back to normal chores. Back to tutoring (which never stopped). Back to working on camp administration. And with that, I need to get going. 

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I don't know how to avoid the December crazy and I'm feeling a little blase about it all.  How sad is that? With La just out of the hospital, we have a writing seminar with Mr. Pudewa later this week.  Then December hits.  Dh is going out of country for a week, I'm flying to South Carolina to help a friend drive part of the way cross country in three days with five kids, DD has her first day long internship in the second week, then bunion surgery and will be off her feet. We have two birthdays, three dentist appointments, three doctor appointments, and surgery consult and follow up all in the three weeks before Christmas. Oh and Finals Week for me and DD and DS!

Honestly?  I just tore November off my calendar to take a good look at December and it makes me want to crawl in bed.
I emailed Mayo today to see if we could slide in the third week of December for Botox injections in my legs.

I have no idea how we're going to just "enjoy" the season, but we will get through it and probably have a decent time doing so.  Sometimes it isn't what you do, but the attitude with which you do it. A LOT of music around here - music impacts our mood so huge!

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Hi, Scrap!

I was sick all weekend, but we did manage a couple of family games. The big disappointment was we didn't get our tree up. Dd won't be home again until the night of Dec. 12th. So the earliest it will go up is the next night.

Today's schedule has been school with ds (who might be getting sick, too),tutoring one student, and ds going to Christmas practice at church if he's not really sick. 

December plans involve a lot of things: dad will get a couple of chemo treatments and hopefully a new pet scan, Christmas program at church ds is in and we are helping in other areas, school for two weeks with ds and three weeks for dh, two weeks of swim practice for ds, two weeks of tutoring, ds gets two wisdom teeth out, Christmas parties for both dh' and my SS class, ds will have parties for a couple of things as well, leading a trip of teens to volunteer at the Operation Christmas Child warehouse, dh' birthday, going to Ohio for Christmas with dh' family, getting together with mine but not sure of date yet, ds' girlfriend coming for the week of Christmas to New Year's, dd coming home for break from college

It's a lot of usual stuff but some fun things, too. 

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I have writing seminar envy!  Also we also need more music and one particular weekend in December is making me want to curl into a ball too.  Dh work dinner, across town martial arts grading at two different times, church and a dance concert all after dh has been away for a couple of days.  Ugh... 

but really it’s the small stuff.

dh is having car trouble again (yeah same lemon car we are still driving) so he has my car and a very very kind person is taking my kids to ice skating and swimming.  They will be out of the house most of the day so I hope to get through a tonne of school prep for next year, mending and ironing while I have peace.  We will see if that works!  We are on break week here. (Every 6 weeks we have one off)  I tossed up pushing through as it’s only a couple of weeks till year end but I really really needed some time to sort the house so I’m glad we stopped.

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