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Wow. I Lost (and Found) a Whole Year


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Just a Home School Brain Blip that you all might be able to appreciate..

We do our grades/school years Jan-Dec so the new "grade" starts in January, earlier today I mentioned that I couldn't believe that The Boys were going into 7th grade next year they looked at me like I was crazy and were all "Wait a minute, why are we skipping 6th grade?"

After a short exchange in which they made me realize we are, in fact, coming up on the end of 2018/5th grade, I have decided that I may benefit from a vacation.

Mostly I'm happy to have found a whole year in the schedule, but I am just a little freaked that I've spent the last several months thinking that this was 2019/6th grade.

Pal told me "You have to keep it together Gil, you can't lose your mind until after I graduate!" 

I feel like I've traveled through time.





Edited by Gil
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I’ve all but given up keeping track, and we’re only beginning. We live overseas, in a diverse city with several different school tracks (which begin at different points in the year and have different age cutoffs) and DS is an AL... so depending on who is asking & what information I need he is in Kindergarten / K3 / Reception / Primary 1 / 2nd grade (or maybe 3rd?) ??‍♀️ I dunno. I’ll figure it out when he gets closer to graduating...

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4 minutes ago, Expat_Mama_Shelli said:

I’ve all but given up keeping track, and we’re only beginning. We live overseas, in a diverse city with several different school tracks (which begin at different points in the year and have different age cutoffs) and DS is an AL... so depending on who is asking & what information I need he is in Kindergarten / K3 / Reception / Primary 1 / 2nd grade (or maybe 3rd?) ??‍♀️ I dunno. I’ll figure it out when he gets closer to graduating...

I even forgot my own age along the way.......I was 46 twice!  ? Completely missed 47, Dh broke the news.  I never even tried to do grades.  I used the Jan to Dec schedule also.

 As an ex pat dd’s Bf was always consulted about what year the kids were when I had paperwork......we were lost because of the hard cutoff’s and no one ever held back, no one ever skips a grade either.  Somehow rigid rules made it harder to remember? ?

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After 10 years of year-round schooling, we are so off-kilter from the rest of the school population.  I have no idea when our school year is supposed to start and end.  It's November, and we're actually almost finished with our school year - we'll be finished at the end of December.  *sigh*. And this means that I don't get to fully participate in those awesome planning threads.

I'm ok with it when the kids are younger, but I have a hard time wrapping my brain around what I'm supposed to do with my high schoolers.  My oldest dd is going to have something like 34 credits when she graduates, because of the year-round schooling.  She could technically graduate at the end of this school year (a year early), but she decided not to.

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8 hours ago, mumto2 said:

I even forgot my own age along the way.......I was 46 twice!  ? Completely missed 47, Dh broke the news.  I never even tried to do grades.  I used the Jan to Dec schedule also.


OMG, you and I must be twins.  I was 39, then I was 41 (?) and I was 41 for a couple of years...it was ridiculous.  I had to get the calculator out one day and figure out how old I was.  Seriously??

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Oh, I only know my own age because I had DS at an age that makes subtraction easy!

I tie DS's allowance to his grade in school, but I could otherwise see us having trouble with that. 2nd grade, 7th grade, who knows? "Arrow of Light" is a grade everybody knows, right? ?

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Pal sounds like a hoot! I’m glad you found that year. For some reason I was thinking your boys were older than mine but I think they must be about the same age, my oldest will be 11 this month.

For me personally I’ve found it doesn’t really matter what grade my kids are in, we just keep trucking along doing the next thing. I guess when my oldest gets to high school age and I need to start doing transcripts it may matter more. I’m thankful for this board for giving me permission to have the freedom to teach the kids I have, not the kids the rest of the country thinks I should have at their current ages. 

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15 hours ago, mumto2 said:

I even forgot my own age along the way.......I was 46 twice!  ? Completely missed 47, Dh broke the news.  I never even tried to do grades.  I used the Jan to Dec schedule also.


7 hours ago, Evanthe said:


OMG, you and I must be twins.  I was 39, then I was 41 (?) and I was 41 for a couple of years...it was ridiculous.  I had to get the calculator out one day and figure out how old I was.  Seriously??

My long lost sisters ? I think that was part of the problem. I'd lost track of my age, and skipped year and went straight to being 29 so I thought that each boy was older than they were. They Boys're close in age anyway, so that's always a slippery slope. For a little while each year they're the same age, but then go back to being a digit-year apart again soon after.

4 hours ago, Rachel said:

Pal sounds like a hoot! I’m glad you found that year. For some reason I was thinking your boys were older than mine but I think they must be about the same age, my oldest will be 11 this month.

For me personally I’ve found it doesn’t really matter what grade my kids are in, we just keep trucking along doing the next thing. I guess when my oldest gets to high school age and I need to start doing transcripts it may matter more. I’m thankful for this board for giving me permission to have the freedom to teach the kids I have, not the kids the rest of the country thinks I should have at their current ages. 

"Hoot' That's one word for him. Pal definitely keeps me on my toes. It sounds like The Boys are just a little bit older than your kid.

We just truck on academically, but I try and keep track of their grades for social things, and so that I know when to start or stop certain things. The whole split academic year and the US grade groupings for Elementary, Middle and High have always annoyed me so since I'm homeschooling them, I declared that we'd use a school year and grade groupings that made sense to me. 

Academically, middle school means we have consistently work on meta-skills needed for them to be independent and begin doing daily writing.

But we'll cross that transcript bridge when we come to it.

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I used to have a Jan-Dec kid--just one. I could never remember her grade level so I decided to go ahead and switch her to the Sept-May calendar (which didn't do anything but flip when I changed her grade level). It didn't help me remember her grade level. I have to look it up. Otherwise, I just guess. 7th? 8th? Who knows.

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