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Kindergarten/First Math

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Good morning! I am trying to write out some new school goals for my DD. We recently began working on learning to count to 100 by tens. She learned this fairly quickly, but she has trouble identifying quickly the decades like 90, etc. if not in order. I can prompt her after she guesses to look at the first number say the 6 in 60 and she will then say sixty. But as for skip counting by 10s it is as if she’s just memorized the sounds like she's singing a song in a foreign language. She can enunciate them all well and say them without hesitation however, I was trying to get her to count backwards by 10s and she said 100, but then looking at the 90 quickly guessed 50. Ideas? I think I’m going to make tens flash cards today. She can count to 100 while looking at her hundred chart with occasional help jumping to the next ten. This is why I thought I should teach skip counting by 10s initially. She also needs a lot of practice with number formation. She's a lefty.

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How well does she count by ones without a chart? And does she really understand what the numbers correspond to yet?  It sounds like she has memorized the words but perhaps without understanding what they mean.  It might be difficult to really understand skip counting until that understanding is really in place. What is her age?

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18 minutes ago, Bluegoat said:

How well does she count by ones without a chart? And does she really understand what the numbers correspond to yet?  It sounds like she has memorized the words but perhaps without understanding what they mean.  It might be difficult to really understand skip counting until that understanding is really in place. What is her age?


She is a new six-year-old. She was born a bit prematurely and 9 days before cutoff In Missouri. This could be either Kindergarten or her First-grade year. I sadly haven't done much with her in the world of academics.

She can count to 100 without the chart if I help her jump to the next ten. ”Twenty nine, Twenty?...” And I’ll say 30 and then she’ll keep going. Also sometimes she will get going and skip a number 52, 53, 55,...

I printed out the Missouri Kindergarten Math Standards and the first one is ”The student will verbally count to one hundred by ones, beginning at one. The student will verbally count to one hundred by tens, beginning at ten.”

I am not sure she understands values for higher numbers, but I am pretty sure she does for 1-20. She started Sinapore 1A and has dabbled in other workbooks where you count the objects and write the value, etc. I thought about finding some dimes for the 10s practice. 

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1 minute ago, Kiara.I said:

What about just using the hundreds chart?

Or am abacus, they're good. She may need a repeated physical representation for now.

I have a laminated hundred chart she's been using. Also have the RightStart AL Abacus, but have never really used it. I think I will go pull it out for her.

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I found unit blocks helpful for DS (like this, but ours are yellow). Little cubes for ones, rods for tens, big square for 100 (and eventually big cube for 1000). Count and name, and play with a whiteboard to write numbers. Then you can move along to playing with letting her change the numbers on you (e.g., "You had 3 tens and two ones, and I wrote 32, but WHOA! you added four more tens, so now I have to erase my 3 and make a 7 so it says 72!")

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So my wiggly kid needed to play games with it. On ten sheets of card stock, I wrote 10, 20, 30, etc. 

we played lots of games with them. I’d mix them up and shed put them in order (it’s ok to for her to use a cheat sheet for it) we’d scatter them on the floor and I’d call out numbers for her to jump to. We just played with them so she began to learn what the numbers looked like and what value was bigger than the others. We also used fake $10 bills to help her understand that forty (4 tens) was more than twenty (2 tens)

lots of manipulation was needed for it to sink in with her. 

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2 minutes ago, whitehawk said:

I found unit blocks helpful for DS (like this, but ours are yellow). Little cubes for ones, rods for tens, big square for 100 (and eventually big cube for 1000). Count and name, and play with a whiteboard to write numbers. Then you can move along to playing with letting her change the numbers on you (e.g., "You had 3 tens and two ones, and I wrote 32, but WHOA! you added four more tens, so now I have to erase my 3 and make a 7 so it says 72!")

I have that exact Base-10 set. I just have forgotten how to teach the basics it seems. Thanks for the lesson idea.

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We don't use Math-U-See but my 5 year old found this video entertaining and helpful for remembering how place value works and why number use the digits that they do.

MUS Decimal Street Tale

We also count everyday on the hundreds chart. By 1s, by 10s, by 5s, by 2s, forwards, backwards, traditional starting places for skip counting, non-traditional starting places for skip counting (skip counting by 5s start with 8 for example)... of course we don't do all of those every day but we do probably 3 - 5 different rote counting schemes each day. 

We also work on place value and number meaning separately. When I looked up the url for that video above, ds wanted to watch it of course lol and we practiced reading 5 or 6 of the numbers at the end. I let him count the MUS way or the normal way but I supply the other way each time. For example, he read 115 as "one hundred one-ty five" so I asked him if he remembered another way to say that number and he didn't so I told him we also call it "one hundred fifteen".

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I asked my long time homeschooling daughter’s godmother how to approach this as her daughter is just a few weeks younger than mine. This is her current strategy: ”Our morning routine is: count to 100 on abacus, then on the chart, then we play a game with the chart. The game goes: after setting a timer to 1 min I say any number from 1 to 100 and she finds it on chart as quickly as she can then I immediately say next, each time she finds it I put a marker on that number (a bean for example). At the end we write down her score. Practicing every day she sees her progress and she loves playing it.”

Edited by arliemaria
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You need to work on place value with her. Have her build numbers with base ten blocks and a place value chart. Then have her identify how many tens or ones are in a given number. Then show adding and subtracting tens from a number with blocks while the ones digit stays the same. Then use fingers or counters to count by tens emphasizing how the digit in the tens spot follows the same pattern as counting by ones forward and backwards, such as "1 ten, 2 tens, 3 tens..." Then switch to counting with standard names, but don't stop practicing place value. 

If your daughter likes active games (my boys do) write numbers on sheets of paper and lay them on the floor like a number line. Shout out numbers for her to jump on, but don't just say the number, you can say things like "Jump on the number 3 tens more than the number you're on now" targeting whatever skill she needs to work on. 

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I like the suggestions you've already gotten. Since you mentioned using dimes to teach tens, I wanted to point out that this works great for some kids, probably those with a practical understanding of money already, but confuses other kids. A dime is smaller than a penny, there's no obvious relationship between ten pennies and a dime, etc, so something that seems like a concrete example to us adults ends up requiring a lot of abstract thought, or at least memorization of something that seems random, for a young child. Trading unit squares for a ten rod, as others have suggested, is more straight forward.

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I like this freebie for place value... http://www.classroomfreebiestoo.com/2013/03/place-value-freebie.html

When my DD was little, I made sure she knew all the number bonds to 10.  I used MUS blocks, dominoes, and 5/10 frames for that.  Afterwards, she would practice building 2 and 3 digit numbers using the green, blue, and red MUS blocks.  She liked to throw dice or use a spinner to generate numbers for the ones, tens, and hundreds place.  She started by building numbers to 50 and later well into the 100s.  Once she was really confident with building numbers using the rods, I never had to drill her with skip counting because she started skip counting the rods while building numbers.  

Edited by Heathermomster
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