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Disclosure of health to “everyone”


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Quill, I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I don't know you personally, but I've always admired you here on the boards. I wish you the best of outcomes!

And as for your question, which has probably already been answered well, it's your journey, do it however you want and don't worry what anyone else thinks. 

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3 minutes ago, HeighHo said:


Most people have the manners not to inquire if you don't volunteer should you have noticeable body effects.    Any uninformed close friends will ask, though.  And if you have radiation and are around people with no manners, you may want to think about what you're going to say if you need a seat, as its not automatic for an illmannered child or man to give up his seat to an older woman. Same for assistance at the grocery store if you aren't doing home delivery or bringing someone for heavy things/bagging.

Yeah...I think mentally I have a combination of preparing where I can and then crossing the other bridges as they come. There are still many question marks and I guess, really, cancer will now be a permanent question mark for the rest of my life. I think if, for example, I needed a seat unexpectedly, there is a good chance I would say, “may I please sit here? I do not feel well.” Or something similar if I needed assistance while not appearing to be a person in need of assistenace. I think I would just ask a staff person for help and say, “could you please assist? I am unwell.” 

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I didn't read the responses. What you could do is send an email or post on FB and say that you have cancer, you are undergoing treatment, and if the person wants to know more, they can follow your Caringbridge page or blog or whatever. That way, those who care enough to stay abreast of things can, and the others have been at least been "advised" that this is going on. You could even say something like "I won't be updating on my progress here on FB or via individual emails. I may not be able to respond to individual requests. If you want to know what is going on, I encourage you to subscribe to the Caringbridge page. My family and I will be checking responses there as we are able." 

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