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The Mama's Heart Teachers Lounge 9-28-2018


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!

Today's them stems from the fact I've been seeing a lot of posts on here and FB in regards to a mama's heart/emotions lately.
And been feeling them myself! One of the most amazing things has happened this week. In general, schooling this week has been beyond minimal. 
I let many things get in the way. And I didn't think ds was self-motivated - until yesterday. The kids (dd, 20, and ds, 14) and I headed out to the local grocery store
that has a Starbucks and a cafe/sitting area. I just wanted us to do something fun together so I had planned to buy them drinks and sit and play a game together.
On the way out of the house, my son grabbed his math book, notebook, and pencil! And he actually worked on a it a bit while at the store! Then, this morning, when
I sat down at the computer, I saw he'd left me a note that said: "Write lesson plans for me, pls? I want to work on some stuff at MoezArt" (drama class). And he also
wrote what time he wanted me to wake him up! At his drama class, they're working on a production in which he only has a few lines so he has a lot of down time and gets
really bored. My mama's heart leaps that he's becoming self-motivated and also hesitates for the day he walks out the door to live life on his own. But I'll cross that bridge
when I get to it.

How is YOUR mama's heart today? Here: see above.

Anyone have a hard time sticking to an actual school schedule? Here: ?‍♀️

Plans for the weekend? Here: tomorrow I have a meeting in the morning, possibly one in the afternoon, and am contemplating taking myself camping overnight on Saturday.
Sunday I'll be part of an Herb Circle where we'll be making fire cider (a very potent herbal blend including ingredients such as horseradish and honey, among others) that is very
useful for treating cold and flu symptoms.

Talk to me! ?

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I love days like that.  We didn't have one yesterday so my heart is a little low.  But just like anything I know we have ups and downs and one of those days will come. 

We don't have trouble sticking to a schedule because they are in an online school.  So the schedule is already there. 



Family Birthday

Kids will be at dance class and practice from 10-5. 

Probably some home projects.  Cleaning the garage, mowing, something else? 

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It's so fun to see them growing up, isn't it.  Could your 14 yo come and give my 14yo a pep talk?  Mine's not quite there yet  . . .but hope springs eternal!

Pituful school week here because we spent most of two days helping my dad get apples ready and then pressed into cider.  22 Gallons in my fridge and freezer.

The weekend is busy.  My DIL is at an out of town retreat which means my oldest has his two girls (just 2 and 10 months) by himself so they are hanging out here most of the weekend.  I love having them around but it does keep me from my own lists.  Oh well . . .also a baseball game tomorrow.

Looking to next week I'm already tired because we have three soccer games  which mean leaving the house at 2:45 and returning at 8.  Plus a zoo trip. . . Whew!  I'd better get myself to do some meal planning and grocery shopping.

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It's been a rough couple of weeks. My oldest is moving out this weekend, for some reasons that I feel are extremely unwise. She's making some poor choices and lashing out at the people who care about her most.  It hurts. I'm pretty discouraged over it all. 

Today is play night for the drama group that I lead. I'm looking forward to it because the kids have worked hard and I love how things come together.

Trying to get school done with the other kids when I really just want to curl up and cry is pretty hard, but that's life. 

My dd16 is frustrated because her sister's antics are messing up a week that she wanted to be perfect. she looks forward to play week because it's so much fun and so rewarding, but it's been overshadowed by some really bad stuff that happened this week.

so yeah, we're all tired and discouraged, and I just wish that the sun would come out. Somehow rotten days are worse when it's gray and we've not had a sunny day in 4-5 days. 

I sound so bummed. Sorry for the negative post. 


Seven new baby calves in the last 10 days. All healthy, all beautiful.

My dad and Stepmom came to last night's performance and that was good. We don't see alot of them since they're 3 hours away, but they come up for my kids' stuff.

My dd13, yesterday told me "I think big sis is a nut. You're a great mom. Don't listen to her." which I totally needed to hear.

And my good friend sent me a lovely text that made me feel so much better. I had apologized to her for our family drama affecting her and her kids, and she was just perfect in her response. It was more or less. "Nonsense. Don't do that to yourself. It's what friendship is."

My dd 16 did her first ever musical number in a play and she was amazing. Her performance was fabulous. She's a very gifted little actress and singer.

And I found out that a cousin of my, professional gal, who never planned on having children is suddenly, unexpectedly pregnant at age 39! . She's not been super glad about it but she's coming around. She'll find it a good thing with time I'm sure because she's a very nurturing person anyway. 

So I'm trying very much to dig deep and find the rays of light in a dark time of struggle.

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fairfarmhand, it is tough to be in "the thick of it", isn't it? You have no need to be sorry for your 'negative' post. We are here for each other and you obviously needed to get that out of your system. One thing I love about the WTM boards is that, while we are a very diverse group, for the most part we are supportive of the struggles we each go through. And we love to see you in the Teachers Lounge!

Another ray of light for you: while one kiddo is being unwise and hurtful to you, you have another who sees when you need encouragement. That too is a blessing! 

Feel free to hang out in the Lazyboy in the corner of the Lounge and take a nap, if you need to. or just rest your eyes for a bit. You're always welcome here!

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It's been raining a lot here.  The heavy rainy feeling makes my head feel pressured and tight.  This time of year when it's not raining, my allergies are bad from the ragweed so my head feels full and achy.   But Fall is the season I like the temperatures best, and I love Halloween.   Luckily Benedryl helps both issues if I remember to take it.

School is going okay.  I'm teaching a lot of classes so the kids do a lot independently which is going fair.  Ds still wants to do his math without writing down steps, which does not work half-way through algebra doing the quadratic equation.  He's making silly errors, usually involving positive/negative.    I keep making him redo things.

Other than having to run to the bank Saturday morning and maybe church on Sunday, no weekend plans except laundry and cleaning.  Yippee, I"m such a party animal.

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Hi all!

well it’s around 3.30am here and I’m wide awake if that tells us what kinda day I’m having!  Actually nothing much going on just had too much going on and the chaos and clutter are stressing me out.  This weekend is quiet and next week is the last before our break week so we’ll be ok and get on top.

hope all of you going through genuine real deal rough patches find things looking up soon!  

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Schedule: We're doing good with the schedule this year so far. This is the first time I'm writing out the lesson plan for the week and giving a copy to the kids so that they can see it and get out the right materials at the right time without having to ask me (though we're working on that last part still, lol). However, as for hard to stick to a schedule: I'm trying to build social media up for the business, and man I got to continue posting everyday but I'm just not a natural at the different platforms yet, so that's where my schedule struggle is right now ? 

Weekend: piano masterclass on Saturday, otherwise nothing out of the ordinary. My MIL is out of town so we are going to do a movie night with popcorn with the kids either Saturday or Sunday so that's going to be a fun thing, too. 

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