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Anyone Want to Chat About College Apps/Decisions?


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So, DD interviewed for a competitive scholarship on Friday. There were three university people in her first interview - A Dean-level guy, a VP of something, and I don't remember the third. Anyway, they had all the candidate's application paperwork on front of them during the interview. They asked specific follow up questions about her essay, certain classes on her transcript, and activities. I think they even read my course description document based on a couple of their comments that DD relayed.

Dd said that two of them separately commented on what a great job her mom had done of providing her a diverse education and choosing quality materials. (My summary of DD's recap, not their actual words.) No idea if she'll get offered the scholarship, but I consider it a win for home education (and a win for her) that they were impressed. Yeah for home schooling!

ETA: No AP classes except Calc AB this year. Dual enrollment starting her junior year spring semester for a total of three classes, but they had actually forgotten about those classes while they were talking to her until she reminded them. I'm an eclectic homeschooler so I don't use one program/provider all the way through.

Edited by RootAnn
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1 hour ago, RootAnn said:

Dd said that two of them separately commented on what a great job her mom had done of providing her a diverse education and choosing quality materials. (My summary of DD's recap, not their actual words.) No idea if she'll get offered the scholarship, but I consider it a win for home education (and a win for her) that they were impressed. Yeah for home schooling!


How awesome to hear that feedback! Definitely a win for both of you and for homeschooling in general 🙂

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Back from DS's scholarship weekend at Hendrix. He had a presentation and interview on Saturday morning, and he thinks it went well. I had joked to my mom the night before that I'd let her know how it went but that Ari would say it was either, "good," "bad," or "fine." And his initial one word answer was "good," so that's the best of the three 🙂 . He also auditioned (piano) for a music scholarship (as a non music major) and had a kind of informal interview with a bio professor about a STEM scholarship program for pell-eligible students that they reached out to him about awhile back. He's supposed to hear back about the main scholarship in a couple of weeks (it's a full ride, with room and board; there were 79 kids there, and they give out something like 4 of them. There are some others with half room and board, too, and some just tuition, which I think his (already very generous) financial aid package pretty much covers already). The STEM scholarship says it would cover "all out of pocket costs" which I assume means it's essentially the same thing except they'd fill in the gap left after his existing package instead of replacing it?)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hoping to lower the amount of Loans DD would need, for one of the universities she was accepted to.   One of the things they suggested was that we check over the CSS Profile.  I read that several times and found errors on two (2) pages.  We updated those pages yesterday and I added some additional comments on the last page and submitted the three (3) pages  to them.  Possibly that might allow them to improve their Financial Aid Offer.

Today, I am going to send those updated pages to three (3) other schools that also use the CSS Profile.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The decision was made and DD is enrolled in UNC Chapel Hill and it is much more relaxed here. Probably much more relaxed in the homes of all the other students who know where they are going.    Once she knows what day she needs to be there, I will be researching the best flights (at the best total price including the extra cost items)  and we will make her reservation to go up there and buy the ticket..    

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