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Another update on my divorce


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We did try mediation in the beginning. It was such a joke. His offer at that time was basically .... nothing. No alimony. I was in shock. When I said "I need more money to live" his answer was for me to get a better job.

We are going back to court this coming Monday. My attorney is asking for my temporary alimony to be increased because he is making a lot more this year than last year. This ought to really make his head explode! 

I am VERY hopeful though because he is making so much more now, he is no longer paying for the house or any expenses relating to it and both our daughters are now supporting themselves.

The best argument, though, is that he was able to move to a place closer to his work, which happens to be in the city. So I am sure he has a better commute and is probably paying a good chunk of change to live in the city. I have not been able to move (not that I want to, I love living with my sister) so I still commute one hour each way to work. Not equitable at all! Right now every penny he makes goes into his pocket and he makes 5x the amount I make. Since the judge ordered temporary alimony over a year ago he has not paid ONE payment out of his pocket. All the payments came from his share of the sale of our house. But now his share has been depleted. So we will be asking that the alimony be taken directly out of his paycheck.

Plus we get to tell the judge how he showed up at my attorney's office and made a real ass out of himself. 



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