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Well-Trained Bodies- September Edition


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40 minute foundation run today. I have fallen out of love with my running shoes and I know looking for a new shoe now is probably not ideal, but I went to the running store while the kids were at class anyway. I learned quite a bit about the wear pattern on my shoes and went for a more responsive midfoot, smaller heel to toe drop, and more of a curve to the toe which shoud maybe address the wear issues. Plan is to run the new shoes - default is to run the marathon in my old shoes with an option to run the new shoes.

And yes, strength training. Gotta find something that I enjoy better so I can build the habit. I was feeling kind of down on myself about not doing better at working it it, but I really need to take my own advice. You make time for what you love and what you love becomes the new normal. I have also given myself permission to stick a pin in that until two weeks after my marathon.

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22 hours ago, wintermom said:

I'm studying Program Evaluation through the Faculty of Psychology (Education and Health Sciences as well, though more Psych right now). It's very exciting, and a wonderful fit for me. I love my prof, the assignment and the group of students in our class. I'm also dipping back into the field of health research, and hope to have a small contract soon. I'm still homeschooling my youngest (12), but able to outsource a lot and work with him on just a couple subjects.

Allergies: They suck. They change and they can be these nebulous feelings that can be tough to nail down - and nailing down the cause can also be tough. Sorry yours are bugging you. Hopefully things will calm down soon.  I think I've suddenly developed an allergy to mustard. I react in a way that's completely new to me; my blood pressure drops suddenly and I feel dizzy, even if I'm sitting down. 

Very cool, what a great opportunity for you. Sorry about the allergy ?

20 hours ago, mamaraby said:

40 minute foundation run today. I have fallen out of love with my running shoes and I know looking for a new shoe now is probably not ideal, but I went to the running store while the kids were at class anyway. I learned quite a bit about the wear pattern on my shoes and went for a more responsive midfoot, smaller heel to toe drop, and more of a curve to the toe which shoud maybe address the wear issues. Plan is to run the new shoes - default is to run the marathon in my old shoes with an option to run the new shoes.

And yes, strength training. Gotta find something that I enjoy better so I can build the habit. I was feeling kind of down on myself about not doing better at working it it, but I really need to take my own advice. You make time for what you love and what you love becomes the new normal. I have also given myself permission to stick a pin in that until two weeks after my marathon.


I hope the new shoes work out.

You need strength training, I need more 'cardio'. Meh!

17 hours ago, HollyDay said:

My new trainer was not easy for sure.  But, he was very aware of what was going on.  We used bands instead of weights and lots of safety in place.  I have a LONG road to go....

You've started though, good for you, I hope this new one works for you!


Lifting last night.

I did bench press, inverted rows, and walking lunges.

That was all well and good until I asked a lady to spot me (she happened to ask if I was done w/ the squat rack so I thought why not). Sigh. She would not leave me alone, telling me what I should do. I'm not looking for advice, honey. As we say in the south, bless her heart. Generally, I dont' run into that, I usually give out a vibe that I guess doesn't invite such things, geez. She started off telling me how much she pressed in the leg press, I guess that's where it was coming from, IDK. Lordy. I'm sticking with asking the guys for spots next time, I've got a few I ask here and there.

On the plus side, I'm feeling much better, I was afraid I was developing a cold but shortened the interval on my Claritin and lo and behold I feel 100x better. Must have just been the combo of dust from lots of cleaning and being in a building with some mold the day before. I should have put that together before, mold kills me, that's why fall is so rough. 

Edited by soror
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Went for a run with the kids this morning and then an interval run by myself. I ended up with SVT at the tail end of my run. I’ve had them before on an infrequent basis (and a family history of them), but the last one was a long time ago and they’re usually pretty short in duration. This was the first time I was wearing a heart rate monitor and had visual confirmation of just what it means when you’re heart is racing like that. I didnkt know there was a max HR the strap can measure, but mine’s 254. Since it didn’t stop like it had in the past, I called dh. By the time he got to me, my heart was already back to normal rate.

He insisted I go in so off we went to drop what I felt was an unreasonable amount of money on a visit to the Urgent Care/ER. Short story is I’m fine and it’s a fluke so sayeth the ER doc and the Cardiologist/Electrophysiologist. We inspired the ER doc to get more active since I had recorded it all on my Garmin and talked about my marathon training. I’m clear for that at least. Still annoyed. I don’t like owing money every month to the health system. I had just about paid our account off too.

Stupid September can go away anytime now. Grumble, grumble.

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@mamaraby So glad everything is alright with your heart! Sucks you have to pay so much, though. Hope you don't have another episode again. 

@soror Great job getting up that buttkicker hill!  Reminds me of some of the hills I try skate skiing up in the winter. My heart is pounding so hard I feel like it's going to explode. 

I played tennis for about 3 hours tonight; first an hour of singles, then 2 hrs of doubles. It was really fun to get out and smack some tennis balls. It was pretty windy, though, so there was a lot of misses and wild hitting trying to adjust in the conditions. I'll be happy to head indoors soon. The indoor league registration is tomorrow morning, and dh and I finally have partners to make up a team! 

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22 hours ago, wintermom said:

@mamaraby So glad everything is alright with your heart! Sucks you have to pay so much, though. Hope you don't have another episode again. 

@soror Great job getting up that buttkicker hill!  Reminds me of some of the hills I try skate skiing up in the winter. My heart is pounding so hard I feel like it's going to explode. 

I played tennis for about 3 hours tonight; first an hour of singles, then 2 hrs of doubles. It was really fun to get out and smack some tennis balls. It was pretty windy, though, so there was a lot of misses and wild hitting trying to adjust in the conditions. I'll be happy to head indoors soon. The indoor league registration is tomorrow morning, and dh and I finally have partners to make up a team! 

Yes, a heart about to explode is exactly it, I so wish I had HR monitor at those time (or maybe I don't want to know). Woohoo for your tennis! 

On 9/26/2018 at 6:13 PM, mamaraby said:

Went for a run with the kids this morning and then an interval run by myself. I ended up with SVT at the tail end of my run. I’ve had them before on an infrequent basis (and a family history of them), but the last one was a long time ago and they’re usually pretty short in duration. This was the first time I was wearing a heart rate monitor and had visual confirmation of just what it means when you’re heart is racing like that. I didnkt know there was a max HR the strap can measure, but mine’s 254. Since it didn’t stop like it had in the past, I called dh. By the time he got to me, my heart was already back to normal rate.

He insisted I go in so off we went to drop what I felt was an unreasonable amount of money on a visit to the Urgent Care/ER. Short story is I’m fine and it’s a fluke so sayeth the ER doc and the Cardiologist/Electrophysiologist. We inspired the ER doc to get more active since I had recorded it all on my Garmin and talked about my marathon training. I’m clear for that at least. Still annoyed. I don’t like owing money every month to the health system. I had just about paid our account off too.

Stupid September can go away anytime now. Grumble, grumble.


I'm so sorry ? That stinks all around, I'm glad it wasn't anything to be worried about but that is still a stress.


Lifted tonight- started w/ bear crawl, hand feet crawl, and rope climb

lifts- squats, OH press, db bench press, bulgarian split squats, chin-ups from box

On my squats I went up to 105#, my previous highest was 100#

For my db bench press I did 30# db's (so 60#) total, which is a new PR and I got 80# on the barbell bench press Tues (that is not officially a PR but I've not gotten that high since before kids)

So, I'm feeling pretty bada**, I'm not breaking any records but doing pretty darn decent for my size and moving up which always feels good. I feel a pinch of guilt that I'm just randomly doing stuff instead of following any program but life is too crazy right now and I never know how much time I'll be able to squeeze out with ds' Cross Country practice overlapping w/ TKD and my lifting times. 

Progress people! Darn nice after not feeling good and a boatload of stress knocked me down a couple of pegs.

Edited by soror
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10 hours ago, soror said:

So, I'm feeling pretty bada**, I'm not breaking any records but doing pretty darn decent for my size and moving up which always feels good. I feel a pinch of guilt that I'm just randomly doing stuff instead of following any program but life is too crazy right now and I never know how much time I'll be able to squeeze out with ds' Cross Country practice overlapping w/ TKD and my lifting times. 

Progress people! Darn nice after not feeling good and a boatload of stress knocked me down a couple of pegs.

That's awesome!! Especially when life is really busy, squeezing in a structured physical activity program all by yourself is almost impossible. Just keep doing what you can. 


Indoor tennis is set up for Oct - Dec, and dh and I have some phenomenal partners to play with. I'm really excited about this. My only exercise has been biking places when the car is being used, walking to/from the bus and around campus/downtown, and intentionally standing in the bus to work on balance. 

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On 9/24/2018 at 7:57 PM, mamaraby said:

@peacelovehomeschooling - soror is right. There is no one way. There is no magic cure. Whatever you pick has to be something that you can sustain. I thought this blog post from a doc who deals with weight management put it well - http://www.weightymatters.ca/2018/01/when-weight-loss-makes-you-stupid.html. Sustainable means not just tolerating a diet, but liking it well enough that it becomes your new normal and replaces what you used to do.

Exercise is very similar. You can lose lots of weight with interval training, but if you don’t really love it, it’s not a good long term solution. In fact, you could burn more calories and have a greater result doing something lower impact you love and keep doing. It’s not what works for any one person here, but what works for you in the long term, rest of your life, I can keep on keeping on forever.

Ran a recovery run on Sunday and the C25k with the kids plus an additional ~20 minutes by myself after that. Marathon taper is here!

I’m the one who had dryer problems in that mine tried to burn down the house and has resulted in learning about some very concerning electrical issues at my house whose resolution is tbd. I did, however, get my new dryer delivered today and I have never been more excited about doing laundry!


Glad you got a new dryer!  And very glad that you found out about a bad electrical issue before it was too late!

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I went to the gym on Thursday for weights and this morning I ran.  Running still hurts. Not hurts in a really bad way (I'm not getting an injury), but rather, hurts because my hamstrings and hipflexors are sore from the lifting.  Doing both might be too much, but I'm going to give it more time.  I am not running a lot.  3x's a week for only 30 mins, and even that is a run/walk combination.  I'm currently lifting 2x's a week.  My shoulder was hurting, so I decided to switch it up and run more than I lifted.  

I've been sitting at the computer most of the day working on a school project.  I feel fried. 

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Thanks, all. ?

C25k with the kids today and just that. Tomorrow dh and I are going for a 10mile run before soccer. Sunday will be a short run and then more soccer. This weekend’s game count for the kids is 5 games - two on Sat for one kid, two on Sunday for another, and one game on Sunday for my third kiddo. Marathon is one week from Sunday.

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12 hours ago, Kim in Appalachia said:

I went to the gym on Thursday for weights and this morning I ran.  Running still hurts. Not hurts in a really bad way (I'm not getting an injury), but rather, hurts because my hamstrings and hipflexors are sore from the lifting.  Doing both might be too much, but I'm going to give it more time.  I am not running a lot.  3x's a week for only 30 mins, and even that is a run/walk combination.  I'm currently lifting 2x's a week.  My shoulder was hurting, so I decided to switch it up and run more than I lifted.  

I've been sitting at the computer most of the day working on a school project.  I feel fried. 

This getting older business stinks, having to worry about hurting ourselves. Hope you find the right balance, it seems to be elusive to me. 

5 hours ago, mamaraby said:

Thanks, all. ?

C25k with the kids today and just that. Tomorrow dh and I are going for a 10mile run before soccer. Sunday will be a short run and then more soccer. This weekend’s game count for the kids is 5 games - two on Sat for one kid, two on Sunday for another, and one game on Sunday for my third kiddo. Marathon is one week from Sunday.

8 days until your marathon!!!


Ds has a Cross Country meet today so we are going to watch him run. This is just his 3rd meet- last one he did well enough to medal (top 15). He's starting to figure out his pacing. After the 1st race he puked a ton, he'd eaten a lot of junk food on the bus on the way there. The second time he only drank Powerade beforehand but still had too much, he was holding back his puke on his way over the line but it was just a little bit. THIS time his just going to sip a bit before, no chugging. He said he was beating the eventual winner of the last race until the last part, when the trying not to puke caught up to him. So, he's doing awesome, especially since he just started training a month ago. We'd done some running here and there and did that trail race a couple of years ago but nothing regular recently, you guys know running is not my thing. He seems to be finding a niche. He's asked me to look for some races to sign him up for, they regular run 5k's in practice so he's got that down easily. Yesterday I got an email from his PE teacher that was doing great in class and he should do Track in the Spring (evidently they had a 3/4 mile race in PE and ds smoked everyone). He also suggested he do Advanced PE, that's for anyone in Sports, he was just in regular PE because he didn't sign up for CC until after school started. Evidently, they have more of a program for Adv. PE, they lift weights, do box jumps etc. I think they should do that for all the PE classes but I guess they don't. 

And in other news, food, meh. I'm not doing well-tracking food and my weight is at that- danger will robinson- go no further number (partly b/c I'm really sore from pushing it Thurs night but still must back off). 

HOPE to do some strength training stuff at home before going to ds' meet... we'll see if I get that done.

Must focus! Do not want another fall of gaining weight because right now it is on me....

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I went for a run with the homeschool running group Friday morning!  It was a rocky, rooted trail, and I was chatting with a friend the entire 6 km, and we still managed to finish just under 33 min. Not too shabby for a tennis player!   It helped that the weather is perfect for running. There's that sweet spot when the temp isn't too hot or too cold, and you get your clothing just right, when running is actually a pleasant activity.   (All you running enthusiasts can hit me, if you want. heehee) ?

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12 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I went for a run with the homeschool running group Friday morning!  It was a rocky, rooted trail, and I was chatting with a friend the entire 6 km, and we still managed to finish just under 33 min. Not too shabby for a tennis player!   It helped that the weather is perfect for running. There's that sweet spot when the temp isn't too hot or too cold, and you get your clothing just right, when running is actually a pleasant activity.   (All you running enthusiasts can hit me, if you want. heehee) ?

LOL, ita! Pretty darn good pace for a non-runner!

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9 minutes ago, soror said:

LOL, ita! Pretty darn good pace for a non-runner!

Thanks!  I'm a former marathon runner, but still run for "fun" now and then. I have had to cycle through a few different sports to keep my body from breaking down completely (e.g., competitive swimming, martial arts, marathon running). As long as I wear the proper footwear and don't do too much, I can maintain the tennis, biking, walking and occasional running, in the summer, with skiing, snowshoeing, and indoor tennis in the winter. I have to keep physically active or my health suffers a lot. 

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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

Thanks!  I'm a former marathon runner, but still run for "fun" now and then. I have had to cycle through a few different sports to keep my body from breaking down completely (e.g., competitive swimming, martial arts, marathon running). As long as I wear the proper footwear and don't do too much, I can maintain the tennis, biking, walking and occasional running, in the summer, with skiing, snowshoeing, and indoor tennis in the winter. I have to keep physically active or my health suffers a lot. 

You know I think that's true of us all as we get older, changing things up (in some way) here and there is good for us.

Exercising done- decided to make a deal with myself- 1 set of really pushing myself:

20 push-ups (from toes)

20 walking lunges w/ 25-30 lb kb (can't remember the kg to lb conversion right now)

20 squats w/ kb

20 bent over rows- 10 each side w/ kb

Push/pull/squat/ split squat- all done consecutively so got my heart rate up. Now to go to the race- sure I'll be getting some walking in but will be spending 3 hrs in the van riding today.

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I ran 3 miles this morning.  That is the most in quite a while.  It felt pretty good too. 

And I agree, as we get older, changing it up is necessary.  I would like to add in swimming.  Maybe when I finish schooling I can get a better schedule going. 

And @soror , 12kg is 26lb. I forget how to convert but I know that one. ?   

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