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What's a good DVD taught Latin program?


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I'm realizing that I need a lot of hand holding for Latin. Languages in the past have been very difficult to me and I'm not so sure how to teach them. I would like a DVD teacher to be a master teacher for me and my kids so we can both learn Latin together. This would be for 3rd grade.


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We had great success w/ LC 1 & 2 by Memoria Press. Cheryl Lowe is great, imho.



Hey, I see you have a waiting Child. We have 2 little girls from China. Pics of them on blog in siggy.

I know the wait is terrible!! But so worth it! :) What is your LID? When do you travel?

Edited by Beth in SW WA
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We bought the LFC Primer A Bundle and my dd enjoys it much , much more than she did Prima Latina. I just can't tell you how much more excited she is about learning Latin this year. It is her favorite subject because of the DVD instruction , the sequence and all of the fun activities.




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Don't know who she is yet, but she's alive. We're on the "waiting children" list so she'll have some medical problem when she arrives. We should know this winter who she is and then just wait for travel permission. We can't wait to meet her!




Our youngest daughter was considered SN also. If you look closely on the pic of her stapling paper on my blog, you can see that she does not have fingers on her right hand.


Because of that SN, the adoption only took 6 months start-to-finish. We are so thankful for those missing digits!

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