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New challenge with my volunteer job

Night Elf

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So as some of you may remember I volunteer at my local no-kill Humane Society shelter's thrift store. There's really only one person in each department and they get volunteers and community service workers to help them out. I was assigned to linens/crafts/pets and I've been there since January. I love it! I've been working a total of 6 hours a week over 3 days. I look forward to my mornings there.

So my supervisor is having back surgery tomorrow. She'll be out for 6 weeks at least. She and the manager were trying to find people to cover her shift. We've got one volunteer who works for a few hours on Tuesdays but she only does 2 things and refuses to do anything else. So when she finishes, she goes on the floor and shops. She's in her late 60s and has several medical conditions so my supervisor pampers her. Then there is me. I agreed to double my hours on those 3 days. And then there is a community service worker they got to help me out. Unfortunately, she did not work out. I won't go into details but what I'm now doing is working 16 hours over 4 days and they've said I'm in charge, even over the other volunteer who's been there 4 years. On Thursday afternoon, I can decide if I need help on Friday and they'll allow that community service worker to come in for 4 hours. I'm a nervous wreck! I know I've been there about 6 months but there is so much I don't know! I'll have to know what we receive in, i.e. is it a curtain, tablecloth, duvet, blanket, comforter, doily, etc. Then I have to know how to price it and our prices are all over the place. My supervisor has a system that only she knows. Our donations are at an all-time low. We're just not getting much in. That's why they think having only me there for 4 days will work out fine. There isn't enough work for 2 people. We'll be sitting around twiddling our thumbs and they don't allow community service workers to be there with nothing to do anyway. 

So last week, my supervisor told me in a whisper that the manager was planning on talking to me and it was good. She didn't say what it was. Well, the manager never talked to me. I caught her and told her what hours I'd be working and whether or not having the community service worker there was a good idea. That was all. My guess is that she was going to tell me they're putting me in charge.

So today is my first day. My supervisor will be there this morning but didn't tell me how long she'd stay. She wants to give me more advice. She grew that department from nothing and is very proud of it. I think that is one reason she likes me is because I love that department too. I know I've done excellent work and she praises and thanks and hugs me all the time. I just hope I can live up to their expectations. Last week she told me the one thing to remember is that I will never get it all done each day. When it's time for me to go home, stop thinking about what else there is to do and just go home and do my own thing. All of that work will still be there tomorrow and I can start again. That made me feel better. I think she's picked up on my personality that I'm a perfectionist and want everything done just right every time. All I can say is this is going to be a real challenge. By the end of the 6 weeks, I'll be so much more knowledgeable about that department. I'll make mistakes but I can't think of anything that would be bad or ruin the department. I've got several employees there to help me when I need it. They'll answer questions, help me move things around, and just generally be supportive. 

That's all. And too much. I'm nervous this morning so I'm chatty. ?

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You are doing great! I’m glad you found volunteer work that is rewarding. 

What’s the worst thing that can happen if you mislabel something?  A donation will be sold for either too little or too much. If the pricing if off too much I am sure the customer will bring it to your attention. 

I hope the next few weeks go well!

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My supervisor worked longer today than she planned. We finally got her out. She's got so much to do before surgery tomorrow. She's even planning on mowing her grass! She lives on a farm by herself but I think she's trying to sell it. So I worked with another volunteer today. Well we were each doing our own thing. I came across stuff I didn't know what to do with. I have one large sheet that doesn't fit any sheet dimensions. It was in a box of curtains and had a mate but the hem had come undone on that one so I can't sell it. Has anyone heard of curtains that are 64" by 76"? Maybe it's a curtain panel for a large window. The top of it is folded over like a sheet is but the bottom as the same wide hem that I have never seen on a sheet. I've got someone to ask tomorrow so I put it aside and did what I could until it was time to leave. So now I'm tired and my back hurts and I'm suppose to walk on the treadmill today. I might need to change my exercise program as I'm certainly in movement for a long time each day at work.

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