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I just printed my last diploma.

ChristyB in TN

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 In the summer of 1999 I sat by the pool and read The Well Trained Mind and decided to withdraw my rising 1st grader and pre K-er (?) from the private school they were to attending the fall and home school. We worked so hard, read history together, learned Latin together, made lots of replicas of Greek and Roman statues out of clay, colored lots of castles, and tackled and completely slayed all that math. My youngest was just toddler when we started home schooling and he would sit under the kitchen table and listen to us. I have the most wonderful memories of our first few years.

 When The Well Educated Mind was released I read it and immediately began reading Don Quixote and journaled all about it. Over a dinner out and a bottle of wine, my husband convinced me that if I could tackle the program outlined in The Well Educated Mind, there's no reason I couldn't finish college, which was something I was saving until the kids were grown to tackle. I went home and signed up for the online program at our local state university and yes, I now have a b.s. I am awfully proud of that diploma.

 Over the years we tried all the education paths. They all did a year or so in a private school when the recession happened and I joined the family business full time, a year at public school when they all confessed how much they hated their private school, and more homeschooling after all that. My oldest two children graduated and then went on to attend the University of Tennessee. I am awfully proud of that, as well. They are both married and live in my town and I have my first grandchild on the way in August. 

 I printed my last diploma today. My youngest, the one who started out listening under the kitchen table, finished school. This has been the most wonderful journey. I haven't done much more for him than sign him up for community college classes for the last couple of years as our family businesses have grown and I run a couple of offices now. I am so grateful for the books we read together, the math we learned, the fact that we can translate Latin texts, and the fact that the bar was set so high for educating my children, and me, not only by The Well Trained Mind, but by the people on this forum. Thank you all. I miss you. I am grateful for you.      Christy

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Congratulations! Great achievement for both of you!!

(I used to be on the boards as faithmanor without the dash, but was never able to log in after the change over so quick re-registered just for today in case anyone wonders who I am.)

My youngest turned 18 this morning, and we just graduated him. He is headed to college in the fall and majoring in Electrical Engineering. We have begun his dorm shopping list, and after orientation in June, and family vacation in July, there will only be a short time left before he moves, and we are empty nesting.

Nineteen years of homeschooling, four children successfully graduated, one college grad, one college senior, one college junior, and now a freshman! These last year's zoomed past.

OP, I wish you the very best as you move forward, much success in your future endeavors. I begin a paying job as Director of Music Education for non-profit education organization in September. Dh and I are retiring from 4H, but continuing our rocket team through a different sponsor.

I am feeling rather wistful about all the years in the Hive, but I also know it is time to move on. I hope all of you find peace and joy,


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3 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

Congratulations! Great achievement for both of you!!

(I used to be on the boards as faithmanor without the dash, but was never able to log in after the change over so quick re-registered just for today in case anyone wonders who I am.)

My youngest turned 18 this morning, and we just graduated him. He is headed to college in the fall and majoring in Electrical Engineering. We have begun his dorm shopping list, and after orientation in June, and family vacation in July, there will only be a short time left before he moves, and we are empty nesting.

Nineteen years of homeschooling, four children successfully graduated, one college grad, one college senior, one college junior, and now a freshman! These last year's zoomed past.

OP, I wish you the very best as you move forward, much success in your future endeavors. I begin a paying job as Director of Music Education for non-profit education organization in September. Dh and I are retiring from 4H, but continuing our rocket team through a different sponsor.

I am feeling rather wistful about all the years in the Hive, but I also know it is time to move on. I hope all of you find peace and joy,



Glad to see you Faith. I noticed your absence. I hope you all continue to contribute here even after the homeschooling journey has ended!

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Oh, thank you all so much for the sweet words. I remember you, FaithManor! I can't believe our children are grown! How proud you have to be! I had a pirate name at one time, Mad Charity, maybe? I just don't remember. Other things I've been remembering today: The Saxon Math/Singapore Math wars, the dancing microphone from the early days, the days when Ree Drummond was on here and not on the Food Network, the identity police, when Quiverfull only had a few in her quiver, and hitting refresh over and over all day so we could see what animals were hanging out at Pete's Pond. ?

 I've really missed this, I believe I just might stick around a while. I learn so freaking much here!!

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1 hour ago, ChristyB in TN said:

I've really missed this, I believe I just might stick around a while. I learn so freaking much here!!


Congratulations to both of you, ChristyB in TN and Faith-Manor! And please DO stick around. There are families still in the thick of it, or just starting, who can use the encouragement of those who have gone before. : ) And, it would just be nice to hear what all you guys are doing! (:D

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This post left me with more than just a few stray tears (HELP! I'm leaking!). My second child is finishing homeschool this week and is moving to college in a month. Within the next four years, the remaining three will also finish their high school careers. WHERE has the time gone? My first homeschooler (and oldest child), is in grad school. We started schooling when she was four (she insisted). I have about one more month of my twentieth year homeschooling. WHAT IN THE WORLD. Sigh...I'm very grateful for the community that I've found here. I've mostly been a quiet reader and responded to posts via private message. Most of my homeschooling  years have been spent without the support of IRL fellow homeschoolers. This forum (and one other) have been life savers for me. Recipes, curricula, college packing lists, beverages <g>...Congrats to you for reaching such an important milestone. Sending a hug. 

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