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Magnesium for Anxiety?

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It depends on the form.

I take magnesium glycinate and it has worked really well for me.

In pregnancies I had used mag. citrate b/c that is the form in Natural Calm and it was so highly recommended but I never noticed much if any difference with it. I tried mag. glycinate with reservations after reading that the glycinate form could help w/ anxiety. It is a mild sleep aid, the first few times I was very surprised when it nearly knocked me out. My anxiety has gradually reduced and cramps from my period have been nearly non-existent. 

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I take mag citrate and mag glycinate and I don't see any difference in anxiety.  Neither seems to affect my sleep, either. 

The mag citrate helps with chronic constipation and the glycinate with leg cramps.  Maybe I'll up the glycinate and lower the citrate for a while and see what happens.

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I take a supplement called Trancor. It has Magnesium and a couple of other supplements. You would need to check with a professional about any other medicines you are taking and possible interactions. Magnesium glyconate is often recommended for anxiety when one can't take other supplements. Magnesium citrate is the least absorbable form and gives many people the undesirable side effects. 

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Fwiw I take 400-600 mg of the Glycinate.

I'm sensitive to things affecting my sleep (both keeping me awake and putting me to sleep), so YMMV. Like I said the first few times it nearly knocked me out and I couldn't figure out what was going on b/c I didn't expect that to happen (mag citrate never helped my sleep). As I've continued to take it the effect is mild but noticeable.

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I thought mag oxide was the least absorbable. But I haven't looked it up in a long time. Or maybe mag citrate was specifically recommended for chronic constipation for that reason. It's one of the colonoscopy prep items (in liquid form), or  used to be.

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12 hours ago, soror said:

Fwiw I take 400-600 mg of the Glycinate.

I'm sensitive to things affecting my sleep (both keeping me awake and putting me to sleep), so YMMV. Like I said the first few times it nearly knocked me out and I couldn't figure out what was going on b/c I didn't expect that to happen (mag citrate never helped my sleep). As I've continued to take it the effect is mild but noticeable.


Can you share what brand you use? Thanks!

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13 hours ago, marbel said:

I thought mag oxide was the least absorbable. But I haven't looked it up in a long time. Or maybe mag citrate was specifically recommended for chronic constipation for that reason. It's one of the colonoscopy prep items (in liquid form), or  used to be.


I thought mag oxide was, too. Of course, when I dh offered to pick me up some magnesium at the store, he bought mag oxide. It still works for me and I take a small amount. It helps reduce my anxiety*, my heart palpitations and migraines. So, I'm not completely convinced the form matters. 


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I take magnesium oxide, but specifically for constipation. I don't know if it helps with anxiety or not. I have a history of GAD, but it seems to have gotten much better in recent years. I don't know if it's an age/gaining perspective thing or if the magnesium really does help. I've been taking it for at least two years and probably closer to three.

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