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S/O Induction: Any "natural" induction stories?

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This is very controversial, so please do your own research on this. I took 1 tbsp castor oil shaken up with root beer. It worked like a charm and didn't give me any diarrhea. I went into labor about 5 hours after taking it. Some people will argue that this route is unsafe but I did a lot of research (mostly from http://www.gentlebirth.org) and I believe that it is only unsafe if you start taking a large amount and therefore give yourself horrible diarrhea! I started with 1 tbsp just to see how my body would handle it and it worked well. I also recommended it to an overdue friend and she had the same great results. Mixing it with root beer suspends the oily texture and it was no problem at all to drink, which is why I recommend root beer.

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Blue cohash and red raspberry 35 weeks on. Castor oil when they were talking about potentially inducing me the following week as by then I would be 41 weeks.


They ended up giving me pitocin anyway, breaking my water, etc. and after 23 hours of back labor (they FINALLY gave me an epidural but I had the C pretty much right after that as DD's heart rate dropped), DD was born via C-section, healthy as could be.


I know this is controversial but I always said if I got pregnant again, I'd just skip to the chase and schedule a C-section.

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Lol- my waters broke 3.5 weeks early, first child. No contractions. I danced, walked, had s#x, nipple stimulated, cant remember what else. Still no contractions. After 24 hours, went to hospital, where they induced me. Lol, still no contractions. Eventually, mild contractions. Then stronger contractions. 48 hours pass since waters broke. I am now exhausted, dh is exhausted,weve been awake for too long. I just want to sleep. Barely dilated! Dh overheard midwives talking to doctor about giving me a caesarian. Dh comes back to me, says GET UP, MOVE! I get up and move, walk around, and eventually dd is born, naturally (with pain killers and monitor- no foetal stress whatsoever the whole time- but dh and I were completely done!)


So, nothing worked, and dd was born in her own sweet time and if I had just let that happen and stopped thinking she had to be born when we thought she shoudl she born,or for the hospital's protocol and time frame, it would have been a whole lot pleasanter experience for everyone!

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