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Hubby has a stomach bug - Final update post 1

Mama Geek

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He has been pretty sick for the last hour or so and is chilled.  His temp was right at 98.6 which his usually runs a little lower.  So far dd and I are good and hoping we don't get it.


Now dd(7) has it just as bad as dh had it Thursday night and dh still has some symptoms but is not as bad as he was.


**Update in post 24


3/16 - We are all officially over it now.  Dh had it the worst, dd not as bad but still bad, and I wasn't as bad as either of them.  Today dd and I are working on trying to eat a regular amount of calories and making sure we really replenish with water.  We have washed all the bedding, dh has cleaned all the bathrooms and wiped down all the light switches, door knobs, handles that he can think of, tomorrow we are going to mop all the floors.  Overall each of us were pretty miserable for about 5 days each.


I don't remember having a stomach bug that was that bad in the past.  Hopefully none of you guys will end up with it. 

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It is possible, but I don't know.  I slept in a different room so I will find out how he is doing when he gets up later.  The only possibility for food is something that I cooked on Monday night and he ate leftovers last night, it was pork not fish.  It was at least 3 hours after eating that he started getting sick.  Not sure how long it takes for bad food to make you sick.

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It is possible, but I don't know. I slept in a different room so I will find out how he is doing when he gets up later. The only possibility for food is something that I cooked on Monday night and he ate leftovers last night, it was pork not fish. It was at least 3 hours after eating that he started getting sick. Not sure how long it takes for bad food to make you sick.

It’s so hard to tell how long it takes to get sick from food — I have had it take several hours, but it has also been a lot quicker than that, so I’m just hoping that whatever it is, he feels better this morning and that you and your dd don’t get sick.

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That’s awful! I hope you don’t get it next. :(

My concern about me getting sick skyrocketed when she did and then I cleaned up the bathroom after her.  I did shower afterwards but I have been playing with her all day today too.  Thankfully she is sleeping right now and dh has been helping her out when needed to try and help me maybe not get it.


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Dh is doing better, no more symptoms, but is tired.  He actually ate some pancakes.  Dd has quit having symptoms and has eaten some pancakes as well.  I am thankful that she was having symptoms for a much shorter time.  I am still doing ok, but I am not yet in the clear.  Thank you guys.

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Be very careful because people are still contagious after symptoms are gone.  Fingers crossed that you stay healthy!

We are still taking precautions, I am washing hands a lot and dh is dealing with the worst of the clean up.  I bought an extra bottle of clorox clean up and a container of clorox wipes and know how to use them.

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Well, I ended up sick anyway...though not as bad as dh and dd.  I have only had a fever, stomach cramps, and tired.  It started last night.  Dd and dh are eating light but are doing much better.  They can at least take care of themselves and the dog.


I'm sorry you ended up sick, too, but glad it's milder so far and that dd and dh are doing better.  Stupid stomach flu is so contagious.  :(  

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