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Would you reapply for this job?


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So back in August I applied for a job. The job was for a senior position. I interviewed and the feedback was positive. I was told at the interview it would take awhile for them to make a decision. At the end of January I was told that they were reorganizing and they had decided not to fill the position as they were going to create a junior position instead. A few weeks later I was looking on LinkedIn and saw the job reposted still described as a senior position. My husband thinks I should reapply.


Would you reapply for this position? I'm currently employed so no urgent need for a job.

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Is this a job in a government entity. I've been applying for positions that are in local government. I've learned a bit about that process near me. Applications are given points based on multiple things. I know of one job that I looked at the top applicant had been someone who had been fired from the same position two years previous. Because of the weird bureaucratic rules on the points, they couldn't hire someone different, so they didn't fill the position. Then they trained someone internally and made sure he could check more of the boxes that scored points on the application before readvertising.

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If it was reposted, VERY recently, and if you are interested in the position, which it sounds like you are, at the minimum I would suggest that you message them on LinkedIn. August was 6 months ago. A lot can happen in that timeframe. Hopefully they have a budget for this position that has already been approved and now they can go forward and hire someone to fill that position. 

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Is this a job in a government entity. I've been applying for positions that are in local government. I've learned a bit about that process near me. Applications are given points based on multiple things. I know of one job that I looked at the top applicant had been someone who had been fired from the same position two years previous. Because of the weird bureaucratic rules on the points, they couldn't hire someone different, so they didn't fill the position. Then they trained someone internally and made sure he could check more of the boxes that scored points on the application before readvertising.

No, it's not a government job. That's good to know about government jobs though.

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Can you contact the person with whom you interviewed and ask for details on the posting? (Is it the same job? Do they still have your application in an active file?)

I've thought about that. I'm pretty shy so I dread having awkward conversations like that, but I may have to bite the bullet if I want this job.

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