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Breaks from school

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But then there always seem to be things that come up.


We started school in July, then friends asked us to go to the beach with them in August. Then we took our previously scheduled break to my folks house a few weeks later. So we should have gone straight through to Thanksgiving week. But birthdays and dh wants to go to Busch Gardens on a Friday come up.


So we take scheduled breaks but we also take off just because sometimes.

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I take my breaks based on past experience.


We take a week at Thanksgiving because I prepare Thanksgiving dinner and I need to focus on that not on school. I take 2 weeks at Christmas because I need to time to focus on home and holidays. Otherwise I feel too stressed out.


I also take off in mid-February because I need a break. This year I have been taking off Monday holidays just so that I could catch-up on baking, housework, etc.

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My dh is a grad student, so we take breaks when the university takes breaks (generally). The only break I know far in advance is the winter break. We take off from Thanksgiving through New Year's. (We don't take completely off, but we do school lite and if we miss a day or 5, I don't sweat it.) Otherwise we school year round and take breaks as the university does or when we need to in the summer.

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We tend to follow the Southern hemisphere time frame, and school Jan- Dec.


We generally start mid Feb, then take 2 weeks at then end March/start April.

School again, and take 2 weeks end June/start July

School again, and take 2 weeks end Sept/start October.

Finish up early December, have all Jan + part Feb off.


We also travel a bit through the year, so take days/weeks as we need.

DH and DS are heading back to Oz tomorrow for a few week, so DD's and I will also have a few weeks off school.


When they return, we will school for 2 1/2 more weeks, then we are off to Kuwait for a few weeks.


It all evens out in the end ( I think :D)

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I like to take breaks, but I like my summers off too. I usually planned to take the summer off, at least two months, then a week at Thanksgiving, 2 at Christmas, 1 for springbreak in March. We would take days here and there for catch-up or appointments or illness. This year I planned to start early in Aug, 1 week at T. 2 at Chr. then 3 other weeks thrown in to give me a break at least every 7 weeks or so. The weeks off so far are turning into catch-up weeks, but it's kind of like a break.

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We go by the school terms- it works for us. That is 4 ten week terms, with two weeks holiday in between, plus 8 weeks at Christmas/summer. So it is really 10 weeks on, 2 weeks off until summer.

But I took a mental health day on Monday to have us all clean the house because I had got behind and it was weighing on me. So I will take a day off if needed, and there are sometimes public long weekends.

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My dh teaches public high school here, so almost all of our breaks are with him. He gets a full week in October and the week of Thanksgiving. He gets 2 weeks at Christmas. He also get a week off in February and April. He works 190 days, so I start when he does, so I can take all those breaks plus 10 extra days here and there. We do school from the end of July until the end of May. We love having the summer's with him. He doesn't make much money, but the time off is great!

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