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If you do Pilates or Yoga can I ask some questions?

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Here's a beginner's view:


I just started doing yoga with an instructor about 2 months ago. We do one on one lesson twice a week. I was in no shape to go into a class so I'll do this for probably 6 months or so.


Never having seen a yoga class before, I just assumed it was relaxing and something I could continue doing as I get older. Yoga is not EASY!!!!!It's very hard! The movements are so simple but they really work your body. The longer I go, the easier it gets ( remember I was in horrible shape). Those simple movements make me more sore than any step class or weight machine! I have noticed some inch loss in only 2 months though! We also do a little Pilates - talk about working those abs!


I noticed my instructor has a bunch of videos from Gaiam and there's a Namaste Yoga class on Direct Tv ( maybe the Fit channel).


Let me know if you have any specific questions and if I can't help, I'll ask my instructor.



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I can reply to yoga. It is a great way to get in touch with your body first of all, which all exercise does in some way. Yoga is a great stretch and strength in one activity. One part of the body is stretching and lengthening while the other part is strengthening. You also need to fit to it. Meaning you have to be patient and listen to your body while you do the poses. I found when I was younger I could not sit still long enough to even enjoy yoga. I much prefered a fast pace activity. Now that I'm older I can't get enough of it and my body can only handle so much. My goal is to do it 2x a week, but have been pretty consistent with once. As for videos - I don't know. Check out amazon for ratings. If you have a good library check some out and try them. Always start slowly. The biggest problem with starting a new activity is injury and that will certainly keep you away even longer and may keep you away for good. But, I do have a yoga book, which doesn't seem to be on amazon, Total Yoga by Tara Fraser, but there are many good rated ones to choose from. Lately, I've been curious about Christian approached yoga?

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I'm just starting to get back into exercising and am curious about Pilates and Yoga. Why does one do these and what have you found to be the benefits?


What is a good DVD for beginners?


For Pilates, get Mari Windsor pilates beginners dvd.

You can pick it up at Target for around $20.


For yoga, my favorites! are the 5 dvd set of 20 minute yoga with Sara Ivanhoe.

They are each different and can be done one at a time or you can do several in a row for a longer workout.

I got mine on ebay.

I did the lower body workout this morning~



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Well, I do yoga because I feel so much better as a result. I have done some pilates, but I prefer yoga. I am sure if you talk to someone who likes pilates they would say the opposite. :) You don't have to get into anything spiritual to do yoga. You can and it is out there, but you don't have to. I like how I feel after a yoga practice. My body is more open and flexible and strong and my mind is clearer. I tend to be calmer when I keep up a regular practice. If I get busy and skip a few days everyone notices because I get grouchy. :)


Anyway, I will speak to yoga since that is what I know (I have been practicing for almost 20 years and taught yoga for 4 years). You would need a yoga mat, strap, blanket and a block is nice, but not required. Target sells this stuff and when I was at ours the other day they had a strap and block combo on clearance for a really good price. You can use a belt or rolled towel for the strap, but I really think it is better to just get a strap to be used for yoga only. That way you can keep it with your yoga stuff and know it will be there when you need it. Also, it really is easier to use than a rolled towel or belt. Also, the mat is important because it gives you the steady, non-slip foundation necessary to practice the postures. If you can only get one thing I would get the mat. You can always purchase the other items as you can, but you really need a mat.


Target also carries some videos. The ones put out by Gaiam are the best ones. Rodney Yee and Patricia Walden are names to look for. I really like their videos.


Here is one:



and another:



I have used both these videos and feel they are very good. If you have classes somewhere near you it would also be helpful to try some because a real instructor can give you feedback on your stance and alignment.


I hope that helps. :)

Edited by Deece in MN
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My mom did yoga for many years, they offered it through her work. Which is very cool.


Thats the main concern I have with doing it at home, that I would end up doing it all wrong. Its not really an option to go to an instructor, I have too much on the table as it is. So I guess I can just do my best and hope for the best, right?


Thanks for all the suggestions, esp the videos. I'm sure OP will be happy to come back and see your helpful input.

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Yoga calms me and helps me feel in control of my body. I find it good for the body and soul. I use Inhale with Steve Ross which can be found on Oxygen network (cable/satelite) Monday through Friday. The time varies depending on your area but I tape it and then fast forward through commercials. The reason I like Steve Ross versus other tapes is that he has humor and depth and we get to listen to really cool music.


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I do Pilates. It concentrates on having a strong core. I feel longer, leaner and stronger with Pilates. I'm not a fan of anything "jarring" and I feel like I can still break a sweat, get strong, lean out and in the end, feel relaxed with it. I like Lara Hudsons dvds.

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I started out by using a DVD by Gaiam. It's their beginning mat workout one. Once I had it down, I didn't use the DVD because it took so long. She spends a lot of time explaining so that you do the moves correctly, which is good, but once you can do them it is wasted time.


I also have a book on Pilates put out by DK. I bought it used. I really like it. It has clear pictures and several different routines (introduction, beginner, intermediate and full program, plus instructions for using the "magic circle" and some wall exercises).


I've never done yoga. I was looking for a program to strengthen my core.

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I love yoga. I get something from it that I can't get from pilates or walking or other exercise-- it works "inside and out" if you know what I mean.


I agree with the other posters that recommended Gaiam. Rodney Yee is my favorite. I do Namaste Yoga on FitTV sometimes (but I don't think a beginner should since they don't describe the moves very well)


Anyway, good for you! Do it today!



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I've been doing yoga for many years. After DD ( now almost 9) was born I had terrible lower back pain, and after 8 months of chiropractic care, I decided to bag the chiro and try yoga after hearing so many great things about it. I kid you not when I say within TWO WEEKS my back pain was completely gone. I was hooked!


For beginners, I really like Rodney Yee's AM/PM Yoga. It's a gentle introduction and very beginner-friendly. (I won't mention that Rodney is very fine to look at ;)). After that I like Shiva Rea's DVDs. She even has one with a "yoga matrix" that lets you put together your own routine each time you do it. Good luck, whatever you decide!

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