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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!


•plant bulbs (I have been so lazy about this and have been putting it off for weeks, but it's supposed to get down to 0* in the next several days. Guess I better get it done before the ground freezes hard.)

•clean hay steamer and descale boilers

•water plants

•make hard boiled eggs and a big bowl of salad

•give dogs heartworm preventative

•place my December Chewy order

•do some rearranging in the haysheds to make room for upcoming delivery

•set up heater for new water trough

•bring mounting block and water buckets up from lower pasture

•laundry - including washing dog beds

•Christmas shopping & planning

•dinner: vegan barbacoa

•watch hockey tonight & maybe a movie afterwards

Edited by Selkie
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Good morning! I slept in (dh and ds3 off at dawn for ds3 tennis and dh's choir obligations). I am just now getting rolling on the day and am slightly panicking about everything that needs to get done before I leave on Tuesday. But I want to sit around, read and do nothing! :leaving:


To do:

laundry (started)

figure out clothes/what suitcase to bring

clean kitchen (two days of dh cooking-sigh)

other chores I have been ignoring

update calendar for when I am gone

bills for when I am gone

take dd2 for pediure-may get one myself

more Christmas planning

watch football



Have a great day!


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Put away laundry

did a mini-grocery-store run

took a nap (LOL, doing more is still taking it out of me)

working on end-of-semester stuff (more emails to reply to! and waiting for someone else to post on discussion board so I can reply!)

skype'd with the nieces

washed all my water bottles

cut my hair over the sink with some fiskars (I have to wash it before I'll know how badly I messed it up)


Also, this sounds dumb, but I almost think I dawdle on some of these assignments because I hope they/the class will magically become engaging if I wait long enough. That is not how it works!  :smash:  



Going to bed early tonight! 

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