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Home schools are private schools under Texas law, and as such, are not subject to any regulations to speak of.  


We don't file any paperwork.  If your kid is in school and you withdraw to homeschool, you can just send a letter.  If you move here from somewhere else, you just start homeschooling.  


If you have a specific question about a grade level, we can answer it.  I'm currently homeschooling high school in Texas, but I have homeschooled grades 2-7 and now 9-11.


Wanted to add:  No testing requirements.  Oh, also, we don't generally get to take any classes part time at the public school or participate in their sports.  This may vary by district, I suppose, but where I live, it doesn't happen.  

Edited by perkybunch
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You homeschool.  No one cares.  That's the short answer.


The long answers partly depends on if the child has been in school.  If yes, they must be formally withdrawn and then there is no reporting or anything after that.  If the child has never been in school, you simply begin to homeschool.  The education provided must be bona fide (not a sham), curriculum must be in visual form (books, workbooks, videos, etc.), and must include reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and good citizenship.  There is no reporting to anyone, however, and no proving progress.

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There are only three requirements to homeschool in Texas:

  • The instruction must be bona fide (i.e., not a sham).
  • The curriculum must be in visual form (e.g., books, workbooks, video monitor).
  • The curriculum must include the five basic subjects of reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and good citizenship.

There are no reporting agencies and no testing requirements for homeschoolers. The state of Texas does not regulate homeschoolers once they have been removed from the public school system. If you would like to read more about how unschoolers meet these legal requirements in Texas, please visit our blog category Meeting Legal Requirements.

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Texas Education Agency



Texas Homeschool Coalition Association - State Requirements


Texas State Law Requirements Regarding Home Schooling

To home school legally in Texas, you must follow three state law requirements:

  • The instruction must be bona fide (i.e., not a sham).
  • The curriculum must be in visual form (e.g., books, workbooks, video monitor).
  • The curriculum must include the five basic subjects of reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and good citizenship.
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thinking of coming over the border, Scarlett?

Ha, no. My poor sister is going through heck with her two dds. 14 and 16. The xh is a huge part of it.....he is saying he is going to homeschool them but my sister doesn't want that for a number of reasons including that they will have no supervision and they are already hypersexual and constantly in trouble/drama.

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