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For those that don't get the flu shot, can you share your reasons why?

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I'm actually trying to eliminate vaccines for everyone - even our animals. We do the life threatening ones like tetnus, rabies, etc.


I figure the flu will make you sick for awhile, but won't kill you. We don't have asthma or anything like that where it would aggravate conditions. I just don't want all that in our bodies all the time.

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I'm a firm believer in herd immunity. Jonas Salk was on to something, IMO.


That said, I have more than a week of college "missing" from my memory due to flu. I think many people think they have gotten the flu when what they've really gotten is a bug. Real flu is awful, dangerous, and can kill people.


I got another variant of it many years later in a different region of the country and ended up in the hospital on a respirator.


Twice in 20 years, shot or no shot - pretty good odds.




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My mom gets the shot because when she gets the flu it hits her lungs hard. Last year it took her over 3 months to get over it.


My dh gets the shot because he works in a medical office.


That being said, the shot was worthless last year, because it was the wrong strain. It only works if they guess the right strain.


Since I have no "risk" factors I rather let my own immunity work.

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We got the shot for the first (and last!!!) time three years ago. All three kids, dh and me...

Our youngest dd was almost two at the time.


The day after the shot she got sick and within days had a bad case of brochitis. She was extensively treated for this (antibiotics, etc, etc.) but never got really well again for about a month. We consulted serveral doctors at the time, as we saw her declining by the day. We were reassured that she was probably "just having a weak immune system right now"...for whatever reason...

Well, in spite of very close medical observation, we ended up almost loosing her in the course of only hours:

...we called the doctor at three...went to pick up another round of antibiotics...back home at six...dd almost passed out...raced to the closest hospital...tranferred in helicopter to a specilized children's ICU...


She was diagnosed with a very rare type of "Atypical Pneumonia"...so severe that doctors told us that this was almost impossible for a healthy child like her to get.


It took her days to be out of danger and MONTHS to be back to the healthy, strong and happy little girl she was before this happened.


Obviously nobody could confirm with certainty that the flu shot was at the origin of this horrible experience...but we were told repeatedly that there was a very good chance it was indeed the cause for the initial strong decline in her health.

That was enough for us: Never.ever.a flu shot again for a child in this family!!!

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We aren't high risk since our kids are not in school everyday. So it saves us money and time not to get flu shots. Actually last year was our first year we didn't get the flu shot and we were the least sick. This may also be that we no longer had anyone 2 or under in the home as well though :).

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Oooooooohhhh, all you people who said you never get the flu are in for it now!!!!







We don't get it either. One less med, etc etc. We do vax for other things, but IMO, the potential costs of the shot outweigh the potential benefits.


Having said that, I now expect to have the flu next week...

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Guest sarathan

Yeah, what everyone else has said...the toxins, thimersol, no guarantee you won't get the flu anyway, etc. :)


*But* with that being said, I got the flu last year and I just wanted to die, I was so sick. It was terrible. So I'm thinking twice this year, I dont know....

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My kids do get the flu shot. Mainly because we almost lost my son when he was 4 from a particularly bad case of the flu. It scared me to death!


My dh and I do NOT get the flu shot. Each of us has had the flu before and survived. It sucks, but we are taking our chances this year. Last year, just after having the shot, I had some really abnormal stiffness all over my body. It was so bad, I didn't get out of bed for a day. Not sure if it was the shot or not, but not taking my chances on that again. My kids have never had any kind of reaction and have also yet to get the flu after having the shot.

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