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The I Don't Know Teachers Lounge 11-13-2017


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As in I don't know what the theme should be for today and I don't know what school will get done as I haven't done any lesson

planning and I don't know how to get back on track. And I'm not even really sure I want to get back on the track we were on, which was kind of boring, actually.

I'd much rather GO places and SEE things than sit around prodding the kids to get schoolwork done.


Who's feeling stagnant? Here: me!  :seeya:


What fun and exciting things did you do over the weekend? Here: Saturday was more fun than Sunday. Saturday I went out to breakfast and

to the Veterans Day parade with dh, since we're both veterans. Later I went and met some people to work on our writing. Actually, it was just one other person besides me, although it was supposed to have been more. That night I would have loved to have met with more folks but it didn't work out. Sunday, I had absolutely ZERO energy so I didn't even go to church. Spent most of the day in bed, alternating between reading and watching Netflix. 


What's on the docket for today? Here: well, besides some academia, which really should be attended, I'm not really sure. I do need to do some household admin, and eat some breakfast, but I'm just getting through coffee at the moment. "First I drink the coffee, then I do the things."  :p  :D


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Eight views, and no one said, "Hi!" yet. Y'all still sleeping? I know I am! LOL


Come on in, folks! Don't be a stranger! Even if you've never stepped foot into the Lounge before, we're glad to see you!


In a little while, I might even get some refreshments out! For now, help yourself to coffee. There's a Keurig in the corner.  ;)

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Stagnant: I feel a bit stagnant. I think it's because I'm feeling in between. Ds is 9th grade, and I don't now what I will do when I'm done homeschooling. We may move during the timeframe I'll need to really be ready to do something. I feel that I need to make some decisions now to be ready and prepared, but I feel stuck, not being able to because of the unknowns. 


Weekend: Ds and I served at a local ministry for the needy. My SS class had a dinner party that dh and I attended. We  got great news at church Sunday morning. We've had an interim pastor for 11 months, and the committee has finally found someone for us to hear and vote on next Sunday. 


Today is just regulars: school, meals, taking ds to swim, prepping for my math classes tomorrow. 

Edited by mom31257
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Stagnant: nope. Still feeling fairly driven, and just slightly worried-enough to be acting responsibly as my daughter's educator. I was a bit of a slacker last week, and it showed. It's nice to know that my efforts are worthwhile.


My "fun and exciting" weekend was complete average: slow Saturday at home, Sunday with Church and family dinner. (Roast beef was exciting. Dominoes are surprisingly fun.)


Today: hopefully an average good day of schooling. I'm starting tracking my eating and health again. I don't have a particular goal -- but my app instructs me to "tell someone" about my plan and goal. You guys count as 'someone' right?

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bolt, we absolutely do! And to welcome you in, I had a ham roll and a chocolate bar for breakfast. Not together, though. ;-)

Should probably see about lunch. Later, the kids and I will be having some gourmet cheese I splurged on at the store, accompanied by some ginger ale.


Currently kids are out in courtyard, practicing with their bow staffs. I'm glad - they need more outside time!

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Taught a class today. Have to accept the fact that my "allergies" may actually be a cold.  I feel crappy.  Don't have to do anything tomorrow though.


We blew off school completely last week.  I changed from a weekly printed planner from Homeschool Planet to printing the whole thing and just telling them to do one from each subject every day.  That way if I don't get around to setting it up over the weekend, they can still do school. 

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