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Book a Week 2017 - BW45: 52 Books Mini Challenge - Finance

Robin M

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Anyone have suggestions for early early read alouds for me?  I need a bit of inspiration. Something along the level of My Fathers Dragon trilogy and Bunnicula. I'm feeling uninspired with the ones on my shelf and was wondering if there was anything new that I've missed.

Favorites both James and I enjoyed were Katie and the Big Snow, Own Moon, The Bee Tree, The Duchess Bakes a Cake, Little Red LIghthouse and the Great Gray Bridge as well as David Wiesner's picture books - Flotsom, The Three Pigs, and Tuesday!   Good resource is Five in a Row


I'm one of those people that gets jittery with too much coffee. Then I get a headache. My husband makes our coffee half decaf just for me. I worked with a guy that drank coffee non-stop until bedtime and it didn't bother him at all. I'm in awe of you people.


Do you have a high tolerance for wine or other spirits? (Just for a frame of reference - after half a glass of wine I'm hugging everyone and telling them that they're my best friend and that I love them. A full glass of wine and I'm asleep on the couch drooling on myself.)

I can drink tea and/or pepsi  all day long and sleep just fine. The only draw back is waking up a lot to pee so try not to overindulge in the evening.


I love French wine, bordeaux especially since I'm allergic to California wines.  Two glasses are generally my limit. Any more than that and I need a nap. 

Edited by Robin M
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Have you thanked a veteran today?   It's Remembrance Day in Canada and the Commonwealth, Armistice Day in France, UK and other European countries and Veteran's Day here in the United States. 


Check out Washington Post's How Veteran's Day went from celebrating World Peace to thanking armed forces which provides a timeline history.


The Telegraph's  Armistice Day, poppies and why the act of remembrance matters.



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Oh, I thought of a quote dh and I use often when one of us is really hungry. 


"Feed me, Seymour"


For years we said it and it wasn't until Dennis was around 12 or 13 and finally saw Little Shop of Horrors that he understood it. After seeing the movie he told me he always thought it was just some "old timey saying that Dad and you used. "


His dad and me. Old timey. We are, but don't tell anyone.  :lol:

Edited by Lady Florida.
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Have you thanked a veteran today? It's Remembrance Day in Canada and the Commonwealth, Armistice Day in France, UK and other European countries and Veteran's Day here in the United States.


Check out Washington Post's How Veteran's Day went from celebrating World Peace to thanking armed forces which provides a timeline history.


The Telegraph's Armistice Day, poppies and why the act of remembrance matters.

Yes, I have thanked a Veteran today.


Robin's link to the Poppy appeal was fascinating partly because I never knew how much money is raised each year in the UK by the Veterans selling poppies. Generally around the first of November it is expected (at least in the North) that you have a poppy attached to your outerwear at a minimum. Many have what I would call permanent poppies as opposed to the fabric version sold each year.....all 4 of us do. Yes, even children wear them. We still stop by a stand and "pay" for our poppies each year which explains why the sales figures appear to equal one for more than half the population! The village church service with wreath laying afterwards will be the largest of the year. Standing room only. Scouts in uniforms etc.....It really is lovely.


Now for books.....Several of my favorite cozy authors write books set immediately following WWI. Carols Dunn https://www.goodreads.com/series/41574-daisy-dalrymple, Jacqueline Winspear https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/462033.Maisie_Dobbs?ac=1&from_search=true, and Frances Brody https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3102629.Frances_Brody are all authors that I will be returning to as I go Brit Tripping :lol: next year.

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Synchronicity or the universe or whatever you want to call it is nudging me today:  The Day I Almost Blew Up My Book Club


Added to my want list ---  A Secret Sisterhood - The Literary Friendships of Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, and Virginia Woolf.


I love The Bloggess - warning contains swearing:  I can see clearly now and there are spiders everywhere


I need to read To Sir with Love among others  --  Open the doors and let these book in

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Anyone have suggestions for early early read alouds for me?  I need a bit of inspiration. Something along the level of My Fathers Dragon trilogy and Bunnicula. I'm feeling uninspired with the ones on my shelf and was wondering if there was anything new that I've missed.


A recommendation for those of you with littles. The picture book Tacky about the penguin is really cute. It's been a big hit at our house. Also Monkey with a Toolbelt.




Anna Hibiscus by Atinuke was popular around here at the same time as those.  


As for drinks, I'll take any kind of tea, caffeinated or otherwise, but I limit my coffee consumption to once or max twice a week and even then I cut it with half hot chocolate.  Caffeine from tea doesn't bother me but caffeine from coffee can give me some serious jitters and heart palpitations if I'm overdoing it, which seems to mean having one per day.


Book wise, I passed on the book Chrysalis Academy recommended about The  Sound of a Wild Snail Eating and he read it and enjoyed it and promptly went off and researched things about snails and insects and passed it on to my mother who also read it and enjoyed it (a rather shocking event as this is not her usual choice of book).


Working on The Beach by Alex Garland from The Shelf.  I remember reading this in the 90s as a young person and being blown away by it but I cannot for the life of me figure out why (DH also read it back then and felt the same way but cannot even remember reading it at this point) .  

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:lol: I can still remember how shocked I was to discover that I could see the leaves on trees, really glad I didn't look up and see spiders on those leaves!


I've worn glasses since I was ten, but the first time I got contacts (after college it was one of the first things I spent my own money on) I was amazed that I could see leaves on trees without wearing glasses.

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I did quit after the first one. All I can remember now is being kinda bored and wondering what the fuss was about.

Late as usual :) but I am in complete agreement with Penguin -- my first attempt at The Golden Compass, I gave up before halfway through - -due to boredom.  Only managed to finish it later because a friend asked me to review it for her older DD.

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1. Coffee for life.

2. I love Aurora Teagarden! I just put a hold on Sleep Like A Baby. I'm pretty sure I've read everything Charlaine Harris has put out...

3. I am so sad to see Stacia and Eliana go. I'm not quite sure what happened, I'm going to have to go back and reread. :( I've been terrible at trying to get on here and read lately. My time is spent with trying to educate 4 kids, raise twin toddlers, and run around hell's half acre getting things done so I haven't been around as much as I'd like to be.

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raise twin toddlers, and run around hell's half acre getting things done so I haven't been around as much as I'd like to be.



I've been promised that when they get older there's more time for the fun relaxing things in life like laundry and going to the bathroom alone and reading. I hope so. I used to read two or three books a week and now I'm lucky to average one a week. And that one a week includes any read alouds I do. 


How old are your twins?

Edited by aggieamy
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A one day only currently free work for Kindle readers ~


First Love (Everyman's Library Classics) by Ivan Turgenev


"A timeless tale of youth, love, and loss, masterfully rendered by Ivan Turgenev


Vladimir Petrovich and his friends are gathered at a party recounting stories of their first loves. Vladimir tells a vivid tale of unrequited adolescent passion: When he was sixteen, he met the beautiful twenty-one-year-old Zinaida Alexandrovna Zasyekina and fell head over heels. Unfortunately for Vladimir, several other—more eligible—suitors also hoped to win the affections of the beautiful Zinaida.


An assured classic, Turgenev’s poignant novella follows young Vladimir through the peaks of ecstatic ardor and the valleys of bitter disappointment, concluding in inevitable tragedy."



Also currently free ~


H. P. Lovecraft: The Complete Collection by H.P. Lovecraft



Full Hearts Series by MJ Summers





Thanks! Both the sci-fi-loving son and myself got the Lovecraft one.
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Amy, they are almost 18 months and turned from babies into full blown mountain goats. I'm not sure what this whole going to the bathroom alone thing means... surely you must be kidding. ;)


Robin, they're all doing well. We're enjoying school immensely this year and they're so much fun as they're all getting into their own personal reads too. It's a blast to revisit some of my childhood favorites and discuss them with my littles.


Mumto2, I can't wait to get my hands on it! Hopefully I'll climb to the top of the wait list quickly.

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