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The Exercise Leads to Naps Teachers Lounge 10-18-2017


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...at least that's what I find when I begin a new exercise program after having not exercised for quite some time!


Today I started a new exercise program. Or rather, tested myself to see how far I have to go to hit a certain goal.

The results:


What      Time Frame      Goal      Actual


Pushups  1 minute           17          1 full, 8 on knees


Situps      1 minute           12           none, 40 crunches (made more difficult by the dog trying to lick my face!  :laugh: )


Run          17 min 26 sec   1.5 mi    Walked, didn't run. Finished in about 25.5 minutes. Not too shabby, I thought!



Who's returned to working out? Here: me!  :hurray:


What's your purpose for doing so? Here: to qualify for a specific job.


Who would rather just sleep in? Here: oh, definitely me! However, my health also needs me to revamp what I've been doing.


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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I will be at the gym later today. The intent is 25 minutes on the rowing machine, and ten minutes each with arm and leg weights. Then after that, 35 crunches. I will be sore on Thursday so may only row a little, and make due with the exercise bike. Then back at it.


I prefer sleeping in. Always. Perimenopause has really messed with my ability to sleep soundly for long periods, so I sleep in fits and spurts which leaves me feeling tired.


Anyway, trying to just take charge of my health in a very proactive way. If I eventually lose this stubborn weight, so be it. But I've decided not to give up the working out when that doesn't happen because I have a very sluggish metabolism that responds to well, essentially nothing and likely made worse by the lack of sleep. So I need to focus on the exercise being for exercise's sake. If I end up being a healthy, albeit overweight person, than that is better than overweight and unhealthy.


The good news is that despite my mother, her sister, her brother, my brother, and 13 out 17 of my mom's maternal aunts and uncles being type 2 diabetic by 45, I am 49 and have glorious blood sugar numbers. So that has to be an accomplishment, right?

Edited by FaithManor
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I turned 48 this year and decided that I'd better do something about getting fit before it's too late.  I've tried different things over the year but found most hard to stick with.  Over the summer, I started doing kick-boxing at the kids TKD dojo.  I can go twice a week while they are in their classes, and a few other times if I want to.   I really enjoy kickboxing and since if I bail, it means they bail, I'm not bailing.


I'm looking now for something the off days.  Partially because I know it's important, partially because it makes one of the kbing days really hard because I haven't done it in 4 days (I go Tuesday and Thursday).   We're putting the WiiFit in our living room so it's easier for us to use it for exercise when we can't go outside, and I'm throwing walks/hikes back onto the schedule, and I'm hoping yoga too.


I can't nap though because then I can't sleep at night. I don't sleep well at night as it is, but napping makes it so much worse.  The only time I get caught up on sleep is if I can sleep in in the morning, and I haven't been able to do that too much lately.  I'm hoping one of these days the exercise will start helping with sleep.


ETA:  I'm also focusing on exercise just for the health benefits and not to lose weight.  My weight doesn't seem to budge, up or down, past a certain point no matter what I do so I'm trying to let that go.

Edited by Where's Toto?
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Good to hear from you all! 


What I've learned in the past, and proven to be true, is that 90% of our weight issues stem from what we put in our mouths,

not exercise. Exercise is good for our mental acuity but the fuel we put in our systems is really what makes the difference when it comes to weight.


Praying we ALL get healthy and live long, prosperous, blessed lives!

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Afternoon, Scrap!


The young one is enrolled in skating lessons, because it's the thing that is akin to breathing and swimming here.  (He'll start swim lesson in the summer).  And that means the rest of us are hitting the ice, too.  The only free skate time is at noon at the rink, since clubs and lessons have it the rest of the time.  Doesn't matter - noon is perfect for us. :thumbup:   I found a sports consignment store and got a nice pair of used skates for less than $30, sharpening included. 


So there's my winter workout.  Wish me luck that I survive in one piece! :lol:

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Dorothy, your kids must go to a huge dojo! Ours is ONE room - okay, techically two, but the second is not big enough for a class, just one on one evaluations.


They recently expanded to add a second room.  Originally it was one L shaped room that was probably 500-600 square feet, then they added the space next door and that room is probably slightly larger and square.    


Their website says they are: 

The Largest and Most Comprehensive Mixed Martial Arts and Fitness Facility in the State of New Jersey
Classes for Kids and Adults in Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, Fitness Kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Wrestling, and MMA. 
Two of the owners are professional MMA fighters, world champions in jujitsu, etc.
We tried them out because we heard they were really good with "quirky" kids. They have classes for those with special needs.  My son doesn't need that but he definitely falls under the non-neurotypical and "quirky".  We've been there 3 years now and they are very good.  I think this is one of the reasons they are so popular because there are about a dozen we could choose from within a 10 mile radius.  They are also less expensive than many of the chains in the area.
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I'm not exactly trying to workout, but I am trying to walk at least 2-3 times a week. I probably should try to do some kind of actual strength exercises. I'm already 2 years past my last period, so I can tell a difference in my muscle tissue. Maybe it's too late! 


My A1C had started to creep up just above normal 3.5 years ago, so I lost 30 pounds. That was all with a change in diet, and I didn't exercise regularly at all during it. I gained about 12 pounds back last year but lost it all this year. In August, my A1C was 5.2 with a fasting blood sugar under 100, so I'm thankful I've kept that down. 


I don't exercise in the morning, so I'm not getting up for that reason. 



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