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Viral pinkeye?!


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My DH has had a bad cold for about a week now. He had everything - sore throat, runny nose, turned into a cough, then coughing fits, and this morning... pinkeye! His left eye was kinda goopy when he woke up, but after he got up and showered it's just been red. It just looks very bloodshot. I never heard of viral pinkeye until this morning after a quick Google search. 


Has anyone had this? Did it spread to the other eye? And how long did it last?  I'm ready for this sickness to END!

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We've had this plenty of times. My dh (an MD) says that pinkeye is usually viral. I kind-of liken it to croup or laryngitis. Some cold will go that way but most won't. I cringe every time I see my little wipe snot into their eyes because I hate pinkeye.

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My DH has had a bad cold for about a week now. He had everything - sore throat, runny nose, turned into a cough, then coughing fits, and this morning... pinkeye! His left eye was kinda goopy when he woke up, but after he got up and showered it's just been red. It just looks very bloodshot. I never heard of viral pinkeye until this morning after a quick Google search. 


Has anyone had this? Did it spread to the other eye? And how long did it last?  I'm ready for this sickness to END!


I thought that most pink eye was viral? 


In my experience, bacterial pink eye is a very different condition, with way more goop coming out of the eye. I had it and it was so bad that I couldn't see.  I had to call a taxi to go to urgent care, because of the volume of goop.  Viral pink eye is the regular kind that kids get sent home from school for all the time.  It's usually itchy and annoying and a little off putting to look at, but it goes away after a day or two.

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I thought most pinkeye was bacterial, from poor hygiene in little kids, but the internet says it's mostly viral. I never really gave pinkeye much consideration until today! I hope it only lasts a few days.

Bacterial pinkeye is highly contagious where the viral kind isn't as big a deal to contain.

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I used to get pinkeye on a regular basis, for years, when my allergies were acting up.   I got the other normal allergy symptoms too, but that was just one of my allergy symptoms.   It would be in same eye, and it wasn't contagious.  It looked really gross and everyone always thought it was contagious.   My doctor said it can almost be like a herpes virus that acts up, like people who get cold sores.   


Things like wearing contact lenses and having cats (I was allergic to) just aggravated it.   I get it a lot less now.   And when I do I try to flush my eye out with preservative free eye drops and drink a lot.      


But, I had no idea when I started getting it years ago that it could be linked to allergies or a viral recurring thing.

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I had it in March following some sort of viral/upper respiratory crud. I had to go to the doctor because it hurt so much I knew it was worse than just a simple case. She said she could see several tears and blister like places. She prescribed some drops and it was much better within a week but it took several weeks for the scratchy/itchy feeling to completely go away. I have mild to moderate dry eye, so I don't know if that maybe complicated it.

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I had it in March following some sort of viral/upper respiratory crud. I had to go to the doctor because it hurt so much I knew it was worse than just a simple case. She said she could see several tears and blister like places. She prescribed some drops and it was much better within a week but it took several weeks for the scratchy/itchy feeling to completely go away. I have mild to moderate dry eye, so I don't know if that maybe complicated it.


Yikes, that sounds horrible. So far he's doing fine, and it's no worse than this morning, so fingers crossed it won't be too bad.

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