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A Lesson in Eloquence

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I had dcs watch Obama's victory speech this AM because when I heard it last night on the radio I was truly struck by the level of eloquence.


I am always stressing to my own kids, as well as my students when I am in teaching situations, that to have a strong command of words/language is to be able to express yourself clearly and rivet your audience.


Obama's speech was a wonderful example of all that I have tried to convey to my kids and students. The use of language was awe-inspiring IMHO.:001_smile:

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I had dcs watch Obama's victory speech this AM because when I heard it last night on the radio I was truly struck by the level of eloquence.


I am always stressing to my own kids, as well as my students when I am in teaching situations, that to have a strong command of words/language is to be able to express yourself clearly and rivet your audience.


Obama's speech was a wonderful example of all that I have tried to convey to my kids and students. The use of language was awe-inspiring IMHO.:001_smile:


:iagree: We stayed up and watched it all on TV and were glad we kept our dc up. (Well until I tried to do school today.)

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