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Calling all herbalists! (yes, again)


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What are your recommendations for dealing with an adrenaline crash?


I was in a minor, yet high adrenaline, producing situation today and I can tell the adrenaline is still coursing through my veins.


When I eventually crash, which will probably be sometime tomorrow, what do you recommend for restoring equilibrium? 


Thanks in advance!

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I guess I'm too late but I would have suggested several different things as well as agreeing with most of what was already posted, as far as my own experience and knowledge in agreement. Not that anyone else is incorrect.

I've used Rescue Remedy. If I had an herb store nearby I'd see about getting passionflower tea, anything that would be more of a relaxant. Kava Kava, not in excess. Chamomile tea. Skullcap. Tansy, might smell really weird. Catnip. Tincture of lobelia, less than 5 drops. 

If I drank alcohol, I'm sure I'd be having a glass of wine or two. 

Foot massage.

Lavender oil aromatherapy. 


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Thanks, all! Willing to listen to more recs, as well!


Gaillardia, nope, not too late. Was asking for today. Incident happened yesterday afternoon

and adrenaline was still pumping even late last night so I'm expecting a huge crash sometime today.

I do have Kava Kava and skullcap on hand. I also have a tisane blend that has passionflower IN it.

I also have oat straw. 


This morning, I'm having a 9.5oz bottled Frappuccino to help me be awake to take a kid to class but 

beyond that I don't plan on having any sugar or caffeine. 


Jean, yes, I planned on drinking lots of water.


Hoping I don't need to go anywhere today besides this ONE taxi-ing trip. It's too hot outside, anyway!

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Well, I went up to my room and watched a few minutes of Netflix. Then I crawled under the covers and went to sleep - for about the next 2.5 hours!

Thankful I can do that and thankful I have kids old enough to take care of themselves during that time!


Hugs. I hope you feel ok.

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Have another question for you:


my friend tweaked her back this weekend and is in a lot of pain. She isn't really sure what she did to it.

So far she's been to the ER or Urgent Care and they gave her some steroids to help, which according to her, are only

helping somewhat. What herbs would you recommend for a woman in her late 40s who thinks she may have pinched a nerve?

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Have another question for you:


my friend tweaked her back this weekend and is in a lot of pain. She isn't really sure what she did to it.

So far she's been to the ER or Urgent Care and they gave her some steroids to help, which according to her, are only

helping somewhat. What herbs would you recommend for a woman in her late 40s who thinks she may have pinched a nerve?


A chiropractor.  (Which I realize is not an herb.)

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I trust the herbal legacy people and especially the teachings of Dr. John Christopher. 

Their products or my own throw-it-together using same ingredients for various body issues has helped me immensely over the years.

You can google herbal legacy. 

But for a pinched nerve, I agree about using a chiropractor, a come and go as you please type not the ones who want you to sign a contract.

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