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s/o fertility is not your business


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Within a matter of minutes, dear mother inquired about my post-baby weight (what are you down to?), whether we will have more babies (I'm worried about your health!), and whether dh has scheduled a vasectomy (don't wait too long!). She also emphasized the importance of math, even if there is an eclipse. 🙄😖 My passive-aggressive side wants to tell her we want another baby because she is freaking out about it. She knows (we have discussed this before) that dh and I feel like our family is complete.


We are visiting them in a week.

Actually, I blame some of it on my grandma, who lives with them. She's 88, negative, and critical and that drags my mother down.

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Within a matter of minutes, dear mother inquired about my post-baby weight (what are you down to?), whether we will have more babies (I'm worried about your health!), and whether dh has scheduled a vasectomy (don't wait too long!). She also emphasized the importance of math, even if there is an eclipse. 🙄😖 My passive-aggressive side wants to tell her we want another baby because she is freaking out about it. She knows (we have discussed this before) that dh and I feel like our family is complete.


We are visiting them in a week.

Actually, I blame some of it on my grandma, who lives with them. She's 88, negative, and critical and that drags my mother down.


I didn't know we were long lost sisters! (well, except the math part, my mom would totally not care about blowing off school for an eclipse - she would panic about eye safety though). Hugs. 

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