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Hello Fresh

Night Elf

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And this is another thing I've signed up for in addition to my Stitch Fix try. I got a promotional that was 2 weeks at $39/week. It's 3 meals and each meal is for 2. When the promotion is over, the price goes up to $59/week. That seems really expensive but this would be a whole different way of cooking. I'm not a cook but I can follow a recipe. These recipes seem to be prepared in 30 minutes but I'm assuming that's not prep time. We'll see. I'm excited about trying these. If we like a dish, I'm going to copy out the recipe into my own personal recipe collection so I can remake it. I got the Classic Plan which has 8 choices each week and I choose 3. I don't know how often recipes are repeated. I'm hoping this gets us out of our dinner rut. We have only a handful of meals we eat and we're bored with them.


What I like is that I can skip a week if I like. I get my first box on the 21st but there are no meals during the next week that look like we want to try so we're skipping that week. I can cancel at any time too. 


My oldest dd signed up at the same time.

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That's really cool! I like the idea of these services, too. This is something I hope to try in the future, once there are fewer people living here and hopefully more earned income. :)


Tell us how you like it. Wouldn't it be funny if you spurred me to try Hello Fresh? :)

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That's really cool! I like the idea of these services, too. This is something I hope to try in the future, once there are fewer people living here and hopefully more earned income. :)


Tell us how you like it. Wouldn't it be funny if you spurred me to try Hello Fresh? :)


That would be funny. Hello Fresh doesn't seem to have a lot of options although I haven't figured out their plans yet. I know they have a family plan that feeds 2 adults and 2 children. When I chose meals for my plan, there was an option to choose for 4 people but it increased my weekly charge I think. The plan I have is basically $20 a meal for two. We can eat for much cheaper but I like the convenience of getting everything in the exact amounts I need. For example, one of the meals I'm getting on the 21st is maple-glazed pork chops with garlicky green beans. They will send me exactly 1 ounce of maple syrup so I don't have to buy a whole bottle. We try to buy few groceries and in quantities that make sense for cooking for just two of us, sometimes three if we make something ds likes. He most certainly won't try anything from Hello Fresh though. He's not an adventurous eater. He will eat pork chops but only broiled with salt and pepper to season. Then he uses ketchup. Yuck. :)

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I will definitely look forward to hearing what you think!  A friend of mine did Blue Apron for several months and really liked it.  It got them cooking at home and trying new things.  She would share pictures on facebook, and sure enough they looked just like the picture, so that was cool to see.  She said most meals seemed to take them about an hour start to finish, which was a bit much for them for a busy weeknight.  She hasn't shared one in a while, but she'd been talking about taking a break and using the recipes she'd already collected from them- only doing the shopping herself. 


I sure do love the idea, but I actually love grocery shopping so I would miss that part of the equation.  But I could definitely see doing a meal service like this during some busier seasons of life. 

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I used some coupons and enjoyed it for a short while. We found we had to eat the meal based on the condition of the fruits and veggies. They would not all stay good for a week :( it was also very hard to get off their email list. Some recipes were quite yummy. Have fun!

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I did BA and didn't like it. 


I got a free week from a friend you get those after doing one order or so. 




It was beyond a pain. 


You never knew when the box was actually coming.  So you would wait on it and hope it showed up today.  


Out of 3 shipments they all had trouble.  Missing things that were supposed to be in  there and without them you couldn't make the meal.  Not one little thing.  Lots.  So I would not go shopping thinking i am getting my 3 meals and then the box wouldn't show up those days.  Or stuff would be missing.  Like the fish for a fish dish.  


Other times things were bad.  Like meat dripping all over the entire box.   Ruining everything. 



The meals take FOREVER to make.  A huge pain.  Way more work than anything we have made. 


And the were OK at best. 


Huge waste of things that got sent to you.  Lots and lots of packaging.  Freezer things to keep things cool.  Ugh.  You get those every week.  Just a lot of stuff to fill up my trash and recycle crazy fast. 



And stay on top of billing because you if you don't you are going to stay on there and they will just keep sending you the meals and charging you for it.  It never ends.  You have to cancel the meals every week and if you forget there is a bill. 


It took no stress out of meal planning it made it a lot worse. 

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We do Blue Apron here, and I can't say our experience has been bad.


The boxes arrive punctually, every Wednesday. We had one late one, on a Thursday, and the company immediately refunded our money.  We were able to schedule arrival day.  We live in a high tourist area and getting to the grocery store on the weekend can be a pain, so BA covers us through the biggest days before I grocery shop on Monday.


Most of the 'trash' is recyclable, so while not the best, it didn't produce a whole lot more than buying at the grocery store.


Most of the meals are pretty good.  They've opened it up to 8 options weekly now for a 3 meal/2 person box. I can pick any combination I want, so in the summer I can skew it more toward vegetarian meals.  Right now we're on a break because we have an extra person in the house and I'm traveling back and forth.  We're actually making several of the recipes instead and doubling them.   Dh and I make it a part of our weekly budget meeting: sit down, decide what we're eating, and if we even want a box the next week.


They do take a long time to make.  I've cut that down by reading the card completely, then getting started.  I'm not the fastest at chopping.  Dh can make a meal in half the time it makes me just because he has so much more experience in the kitchen.  And some things I keep in the house because I know we will need more of for the 2.5 people who eat here: different rices, noodles, and chicken thighs.


I line up the cards in the order we want them on our book stand so everyone knows what we're eating that day.  when we're done they go in the recipe book sorted by protein/type of meal.



You'll have to post a review of Hello Fresh when you get your first box!  I want to see how they compare. :D


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