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Improving fat absorption


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It seems after this nasty stomach virus I cannot digest fats, at all. I will spare you details.


I was thinking I should up my glutamine, as I know it helps heal the gut, as well as get back with probiotics. Any other suggestions of tried and true things that work?


Coincidentally I had a cholesterol test done yesterday for a health screening, my total cholesterol came back as less than 99. My "good" is 38 and my bad didn't show. My cholesterol has always come back low (under 140) but this is the lowest I've seen it. I know everyone says you have low cholesterol, how wonderful, but that is only good to a certain point. Too low can cause nasty issues too. 


It can be related to high thyroid and my last tests were elevated (my medication levels have been dropped subsequently) but for me I have low levels even when I'm hypothyroid (although most people have elevated cholesterol when hypo).


I'm not sure what to do on diet. I feel I should avoid fat for now since I'm not digesting it but I also know I need it. Some places say coconut oil is easier to digest but I don't know if that is true.

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Digestive enzymes might help. DH and I have used Digest Gold brand at various times. Tends to be cheaper on Amazon, but Spouts and WF and so on should carry it.

This. Digestive enzymes and yep, coconut oil is way easier than olive or anything else. Make sure to take some B12 and maybe some A and D. If you aren't adequately breaking down and absorbing fats then your nutrient absorption is probably a bit wonky.


My favorite enzyme product is Now Super Enzyme.


I had my gallbladder out when my daughter was born and have had nothing but horrific side effects so I am well versed in this area ;)

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This is probably too obvious to mention but in case it helps, go ahead and cut the quantity of fat so that you feel better and then slowly ramp it back up. Also try fats from different sources.  Avocados, black olives, and macademia nuts, for example, may not immediately come to mind.

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