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I, Robot


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Can anyone give insight as to whether the 'I, Robot' book would be appropriate to read aloud to a nearly 8 year old? I know the movie can be graphic & I read the book ages ago but not through a parental lens. My daughter's interested in robots/AI & hubby said he'd like to show her the movie but perhaps the book would be a better compromise?

Edited by Earthmerlin
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I read it for the first time maybe about a year ago. So I wasn't reading it with an eye toward kids. But I was surprised how much I liked it. I don't know why but I thought it was going to be really violent and it totally was not. I think some of it will go over kid's heads. Just like, the implications of a society with AI integrated within it.

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Unless the kid is really gifted, I think I'd save it for a couple of years. I can't think of anything that's really inappropriate, but despite the "coolness" of robots, it's not as fun a book as all that. You might read just one or two stories from it though. That's the nice thing about short story collections.

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It has been a while for me, but I think you could find a few that would be fine, but others would be on the dark side.


Iirc I would have a slight concern for some stereotyping of women. Iirc, not enough to skip it, but enough to mention it to my kids.

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