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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

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Good morning.  I was awoken at 6 am by the dog scratching to get up in my bed because somewhere out in the distance there was a very low rumble of thunder.  Grrrr. 



-get pork shoulder into crock pot for pulled pork

-workout (1 hour recumbent bike I haven't done past two days)


-decide which of my Stitch Fix items of clothing I am going to keep

-all the laundry I've been neglecting for the past week

-pick up a little bit

-eat Whole 30 and drink lots of water

-read and relax out by the pool

-run to mall to see if I find anything interesting for my upcoming girls weekend in New Orleans


ETA:  Sigh.  I really, really need to do laundry.

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning!


•make breakfast for dh

•do lots of cleanup and maintenance in horse paddocks and barns

•continue purging clutter from my closet


•tidy up house

•work with horses & ride


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Good morning!

I slept later than usual today, so I feel behind already.

Farmers' market
Check on mom

Gift bag or wrap
Make sure dog gets lots of exercise   maybe, it is HOT today. 
church prep



Adding to my list:

Teach dd to iron clothes



dinner - salmon, sauteed veggies, tomatoes, corn


Edited by ScoutTN
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Morning, all!


Feeling slow this morning...and I think I have a bit of arthritis going this morning in my once-nimble fingers.


To do:



pay bills

look for tax returns...they have decided to hide and frustrate us


clean out hall closet, part two

make reservations for vacation

it's supposed to be 109 here today, so I don't plan on doing anything outside the house except for maybe a quick library run

pork tenderloin for dinner, roasted veggies

stay cool and read, watch The Founder (Michael Keaton/McDonalds story)

I must say, my library is good about movies.  I don't know what your local policies are, but on Friday it's rent one, get one free.  Four movies, four dollars, and all new releases.


Have a great day!



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Still don't have gift wrap.

Dinner is made.

Did some info gathering about school year swim team options for Ds

Got a card ready to mail to Ds at camp. 

Dog park - check!

ironing with Dd - punted to another day.

We did get to the library.


To do:

get shower gift wrapped

get stamps and another card for Ds

mail the postcard


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