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Spam call

Night Elf

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I have had about a dozen phone calls so far today from an invalid number. The numbers on the screen 1475869. No dashes. The first time I answered the guy said he was from the department of federal funds and my number had been chosen to receive a grant. I told him I wasn't interested and he said 'whatever' and hung up. I let it ring the next several times. Finally I answered again to tell them to take me off their calling list. The first 3 times no one was on the line. I only heard a beep and a recorded voice saying goodbye. This last time, a guy answered. I told him to take me off his calling list and he said 'no'. So I said if he didn't do it I'd report him and he said 'to whom'. I told him again do not call this house again and I hung up. What do I do? Even if I knew who to report them to, there isn't a valid phone number to report. 

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Ok, I did two methods of blocking the calls on my phone. Then I went onto the Federal Trade Commission website and reported the call but since there was an invalid number on my caller ID, I doubt they can do anything about it. I verified I was on the Do Not Call Registry and have been since 2008. They said recorded calls and robocalls are done by internet to hide them from authorities. So if my method of blocking their calls does not work, I'm doomed to receiving multiple calls from them I guess.

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Stop answering the phone if you don't recognize the number. 


I rarely answer calls I don't recognize or are clearly spam calls. But this number had called at least a dozen times between 8:30am and 1:30pm. I wanted to tell them to take me off their list. I really really don't want them calling me repeatedly all day and night. But DH told me how to block the calls. Hopefully they won't call from a different number.

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I rarely answer calls I don't recognize or are clearly spam calls. But this number had called at least a dozen times between 8:30am and 1:30pm. I wanted to tell them to take me off their list. I really really don't want them calling me repeatedly all day and night. But DH told me how to block the calls. Hopefully they won't call from a different number.


These are scammers, not telemarketers.  They don't care about the law.  Most are robo-calls (called by a computer and not from an actual list of numbers).  They might have more than one number.  If fact, I would be surprised if they didn't.  If you answer, you are like a fish on the line.  Even if you tell them "no".  So blocking them each time or just not answering is the way to go. 

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I rarely answer calls I don't recognize or are clearly spam calls. But this number had called at least a dozen times between 8:30am and 1:30pm. I wanted to tell them to take me off their list. I really really don't want them calling me repeatedly all day and night. But DH told me how to block the calls. Hopefully they won't call from a different number.


True spammers don't follow the rules. So they don't take numbers off of their list. And there is little, if anything, that can be done. Blocking the number really is the only thing......

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I've tried to figure out how to block numbers on my Samsung S7.  Any thoughts?  I've had two spam calls today.  I didn't answer either one, but it seems like a new list of numbers has been sold and mine is on it (sigh).  I don't usually give out my number.   :glare:

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I've received so many spam calls I don't answer my phone anymore if I don't recognize the number. I've also received a few spam texts. Today's was offering "a great health plan... for a great price." The calls are annoying, but easily ignored. For some reason, the texts bother me more. I googled to see how to get off their texting list; we'll see if it works or if it increases the number of spam texts. (Google said to text "stop" to the number. When I did that, I received a text back telling me I'd been unsubscribed and if I wished to subscribe again, I just needed to text "start". Don't think I'll be doing that!)

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I've tried to figure out how to block numbers on my Samsung S7. Any thoughts? I've had two spam calls today. I didn't answer either one, but it seems like a new list of numbers has been sold and mine is on it (sigh). I don't usually give out my number. :glare:

I have an older galaxy but on mine I go to phone>recent calls>click on the offending call>soft key and then add to auto-reject list. Maybe that will help a little.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you still receive calls from them, then I think you could track them down. If you couldn't, ask a lawyer to help. I just read an article at http://www.whycall.me/news/my-4500-payday-from-a-telemarketer/ about someone who sued a company after she got multiple calls from the company. She won the lawsuit and also receiving few thousands as compensation from the court. I think you could sue the caller, too.

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