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Post hospital stay probiotics


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Hoping my dad can get released today. He's been on IV penicillin since Friday and they'll send him home with augmentin. They also discovered some evidence of chrohns and had to remove some colon and small intestine during his surgery.

I'm going to talk to his drs too, but I thought I might get some suggestions here on any specific strains that might be better than others is this situation with the bowels involved. All advice welcome.

This whole thing has been overwhelming. We have tons of support and are doing great. I can't imagine how some families and patients navigate the process. It's an ordeal.

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At a minimum, I highly recommend a probiotic with S. boulardii (tons of strong data on this one) as well as one with all the good lactobacillus varieties. 


I order mine from Amazon and purchase the NOW brand. (Once you get them, refrigerate the lactobacillus product . .. the boulardii variety does not need refrigeration.) 


There are also some great "pre-biotics" that are apparently important to maximize the effectiveness of the probiotics . . . I am actually taking a total of 8 different things at the moment, as I am on a long course of high dose ABX for a severe/acute case of Lyme Disease . . . I'm no expert in the pre-biotics, though, as I just followed advice from a friend. Psyllium husk, "super enzymes" and a bunch of other stuff. I also take caprylic acid supplements while on ABX to reduce risk of yeast infection (men can get them too . . . I had one once that was in my mouth and entire GI tract . . . From ABX . . .) 


I take all of them 2 hours after each dose of antibiotics.


I suggest taking them for at least a month after completing all antibiotics if he's been on high doses for a longer period of time, especially if he hasn't already been on them thus far.


(I start them as soon as starting ABX and extend them at least 4 weeks after the last dose of ABX.) 


Fermented foods are awesome, too, if he likes things like that. ("Real" sauerkraut, kim chi, kombucha, etc, etc) And, of course, yogur. :) 





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Thanks. I ordered the florastor and align overnight from amazon. No costco here and our health food store didn't have them. I will get him started ASAP.

StephanieZ, I am sorry about your Lyme diagnosis. Hope the healing process goes well.

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