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Any Azure Standard customers here?

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I typically ordered just grain (wheat & rice) and honey from Azure. I was pleased with the product and the pricing at the time, appx 18 mos ago. I will say that they are a growing company, with a few associated growing pains, but they always seemed determined to please the customer. I got in with a big group, so it was always easy for the group to meet the minimum delivery order amount (I'm thinking it was ~$450?), and everyone did not have to order every month. We just had to meet the delivery guy once a month and help offload the group's order. The only drawback for me was that the personal minimum order to avoid a service charge was $40. If I were ordering lots from them - produce, dairy & meats - that would not have been a problem. But the grains are pretty cheap. Oh, and I was famous for missing the order deadline, that's a week or so ahead of delivery day so you'll want to put a post it note in an eye-catching place if you're forgetful like me! It was very convenient to be able to place my order online at my convenience, and not have to catch up with a coop coordinator.


If there's no permanent commitment for you, as it was with my group, give it a try!

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I finally gave up because of too many mix-ups. Once you know the ropes, I think they would be wonderful, but there are ropes. If you can, join a group with an experianced drop-off person.


E.g. if they don't have a product and it didn't get delivered, you have to reorder it. You have credit, but they don't just ship it the next time. So, you are charged, but you still have to go reorder it. This is not intuitive to me.


Also, I found that for perishables, which you could get in pretty big amounts, the expiration date was rather close....so if you are expecting milk that expires in 3 weeks, like you can get at the grocery, be prepared for having ordered 3 weeks of milk that expires in 4 days.


For us, there was a mix up nearly every delivery, and the group, which was rip roaring at first, died in the first year. I miss some of their products, but not all the emails back and forth etc. YMMV

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If you are talking about the health food company based in Dufur, Oregon they are wonderful. They offer a ton of organic, healthy foods as well as many of the supplements you could purchase in your health food store. They have a website~http://www.azurestandard.com where you can view the online catalog. I love to order bulk foods from them and have found that I save a lot that way!I think that if you call them they could help you find out if there is someone in your area organizing a drop. They do that to meet the $550 minimum which can be made up of $50 individual orders. Hope this helps.

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They have a website~http://www.azurestandard.com where you can view the online catalog.


Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place, but when I looked at the website, it would not let me view anything like pricing until I signed in (?).


I would never join, or even give my email/personal info unless I had some idea of whether it would be useful to me.


I'm actually a little grumpy that prices cannot be viewed outright, but am willing to reconsider if enough people here have positive comments. :001_smile:

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I've ordered from Azure Standard almost monthly for more than ten years (except for the three years we didn't live in the northwest) and love, love, love the service. I sort of don't get the "growing pains" comment since they are a well-established company that has been in business since 1971 -- perhaps it refers to how they are trying to expand their service into new states? It is helpful to be a part of a larger group to reach the minimum, but where we live this is NO problem. I have no problem, either, meeting the (now) $50 personal minimum at all; I spend $100+ easily each month. I'm not sure why they don't post prices at their website unless you're registered but be assured, the prices for the most part are GREAT. Better than any grocery or health food store.


As a long-time customer, I'd like to comment on some of the other comments earlier in this thread (I'm not saying the others were wrong at all, I just have some comments to make).


Oh, and I was famous for missing the order deadline, that's a week or so ahead of delivery day so you'll want to put a post it note in an eye-catching place
Our deadline is just two days before delivery, so it varies! Make sure you know when your deadlines are. Also which week the order arrives is based on delivery date, not order date. I missed the order last month because the order deadline was Sept. 30 and the delivery date was Oct. 1. I was going by the order deadline date.


if they don't have a product and it didn't get delivered, you have to reorder it. You have credit, but they don't just ship it the next time. So, you are charged, but you still have to go reorder it.


This isn't how it works for our drop, so I'm not sure why the difference? If something we ordered isn't delivered for whatever reason we're not charged for it. Yes, we have to re-order it the following month (there's not backorder system), but there's no credit waiting since we didn't have to pay for it in the first place. Maybe this happens if you pay ahead of time with a credit card? You do have the option of paying after the order arrives (see below). Items not coming happens somewhat regularly (that *something* is out of stock when they pack our order), but that's just the way it goes. This happens at the store, too, KWIM? I often have to get rain checks for a sale-priced item. I just keep a shopping list going either on my computer or on my Blackberry and I add the items that didn't come to the next list.


For us, there was a mix up nearly every delivery, and the group, which was rip roaring at first, died in the first year. I miss some of their products, but not all the emails back and forth etc.
This thankfully isn't something I've experienced. We have wonderful drop coordinators -- they do it ALL when it comes to meeting the truck, offloading and sorting boxes and bags into individual orders. I'm not sure what it means "all the emails back and forth" because all we as individuals do in our group is place our own orders online (or over the phone), and then pick it up on delivery day. We pay for our individual orders either the day of delivery (a check to the drop people) or by sending Azure a check once the order arrives (this is what I do). There's not communicating with others in the group.


Anyway, wanted to put my two cents in! Azure has been a huge part of my monthly food budget for a long, long time and I highly recommend them.

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I haven't had the same problems that K has had, though I only order a couple times / year. We have had one or two mixups over the last 6 or 7 years we've been ordering. I only buy flour, honey and TP.


That sounds very do-able.


If you are thinking of trying something else, I got a case of this terrific vinegar:




and bring bottles as a little prezzie for someone who has done me a favour. I 've gotten many comments on how nice it is. It is NOT balsamicy at all. It is more raisin-y. Just delicious.

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I love Azure. I have been working with them for 3 years and when my drop point manager closed, I became the new drop point. Occasionally there is a mixup, but they are really good at returns if they mix something up. The only time you get charged and don't get the item is if they make a mistake and forget to deliver it, which hasn't happened very often and they are quick to fix it. They don't charge you for the backordered stuff and yes, you do have to order yourself. They are a reputable company. You can call them and ask them for prices if you want to know some prices, or you can email me and I can look them up if the list isn't too long. Overall, I find their prices to be among the best. There are some things that are cheaper elsewhere, and if it is available at Trader Joe's that will be cheaper, but I buy grains and beans and apple cider vinegar and potatoes olive oil and any other bulk dry goods and sprouting seeds from them.

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We have been ordering for years. I like them but we have had ordering issues and moldy produce on occassion. I do however find them to be very accomodating. They are improving.


I do not ever order milk, eggs or anything too perishable with them. I do get cheese and have ordered the Nancy's cream cheese. Their appple, pear and potato prices are amazing. They have good prices but I am camparing them to a small co-op with high prices in a small community. We do not have Trader Joe's or anything nice like that.


I like their variety but again I am in a small isolated community.



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I finally gave up because of too many mix-ups.


I gave up on them, too. If the stuff you want is in-stock, it's great, but if it's not, it can be pretty frustrating. Here's what I posted in the Food Storage social group about my experience:


I used to order from them, with home delivery, but had a bad experience with ordering something I needed, and filling it with some other items to make the minimum order amount. Well, the needed item wasn't in stock (although they showed it on their website as in stock). So I got the things I really didn't need and not the other item. I called and asked when it would be in stock - they didn't know. I asked how can I avoid this happening in the future, I don't want to pay shipping twice - they didn't know. I asked if I could call to verify if things were in stock. No, not really - they wouldn't be able to tell me that. (I even wrote a letter and mailed it to them, thinking maybe I just got a not-so-good customer service person on the phone since I just couldn't get any information from her and she didn't seem to understand that anything was wrong or frustrating to me - I never heard anything back from them.) So I haven't ordered since. It's not just that it was out of stock, it was the whole attitude I got when I contacted them - I really didn't feel like they cared if I was a customer or not. So I haven't ordered since. . .

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I sort of don't get the "growing pains" comment since they are a well-established company that has been in business since 1971 -- perhaps it refers to how they are trying to expand their service into new states?


That is exactly what it was, we were a new route in a new state. Perhaps it had to do with setting up all our accounts for billing, too? Anyway, when I talked to a gal in the office she herself referred to "growing pains."

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We have been ordering for years. I like them but we have had ordering issues and moldy produce on occassion. I do however find them to be very accomodating. They are improving.


I do not ever order milk, eggs or anything too perishable with them. I do get cheese and have ordered the Nancy's cream cheese. Their appple, pear and potato prices are amazing. They have good prices but I am camparing them to a small co-op with high prices in a small community. We do not have Trader Joe's or anything nice like that.


I like their variety but again I am in a small isolated community.




You're right about produce and I'm careful with that, too. The one time I can think of where it was unacceptable (a bag of avocados where only one was usable) I called and they credited me for that item. All in all, though, I do still order produce sometimes.


BTW, I order 15 dozen eggs every month and have never had a problem. I love not having to think about eggs anymore that month, lol.


And (generally, not in reply to the above quote), yes, Trader Joe's can be cheaper with some things so if you have one available keep that in mind. I get my pasta from Trader Joe's; they will order it by the case for you.

Edited by milovaný
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BTW, I order 15 dozen eggs every month and have never had a problem. I love not having to think about eggs anymore that month,


Thanks for the info. Dh teases me about our egg consumption and I often make a trip to the grocery store just for eggs. But, I would be hard pressed to find the space for a months worth. Do you have an extra fridge? We do and it is not used well....hmmm. Off to measure. ;)

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No, no extra fridge; I just stack them four high on the bottom shelf. I can get three rows in there, front to back and then have to put the other three next to them. It's tight for a little bit (esp. if FM marks their milk down to .50/gallon at the same time!), but we make it work.

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