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I am just beyond exhausted


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I haven't slowed down for over a week and have had something going on every single day. 


I thought I could clean up both of my classrooms and be done yesterday, but alas, I wasn't able to get it all done, so back I go today.


It is the last day, but I have quite a bit of cleaning up and organizing and such to do.


Yesterday I did finish up at one school for the most part, I just need to go back and lock up the cabinet (I had to drive 10 miles to get the key from the district office to lock it yesterday afternoon!  ARGH!)


I honestly can barely move.....not sure how I will do it today, but I am taking my youngest to help me if I can get him out of bed.  I am paying him, so he should be happy, but he isn't.  HAHA!


Meanwhile I found out some bad news about the new job offer I got for next year.  Turns out that in NC, if you don't have a Master's Degree IN the exact content area you are teaching, you lose your master's pay.  Between that loss and moving to a district that pays less, I would lose roughly 18% of my pay.  Since I get paid so little anyway.......I am thinking I am going to have to turn down the job.  I will be calling the state board of ed and verifying, but I have been told by multiple people so far, so I am guessing it is correct info.


ARGH!!!!!!!!  I really don't want to stay where I am.



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